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单词 log
释义  Related topics: Daily life, Plants, Mathslog1 /lɒɡ $ lɒːɡ, lɑːɡ/ ●●○ S3 noun [countable]  1  DHBPa thick piece of wood from a tree 〔树上砍下的〕大木头;原木 a roaring log fire 原木燃烧的熊熊大火 →4  See picture of 见图 FIREPLACE →4  See picture of 见图 SPLIT 1 →5 see picture at 见图 tree2  RECORDan official record of events, especially on a journey in a ship or plane 〔事件的〕正式记录;〔尤指〕航海日志;飞行日志 The captain always keeps a log. 船长坚持记航海日志。3. HMa logarithm 对数 → it’s as easy as falling off a log at fall1(31), → sleep like a log/top at sleep1Examples from the Corpuslog• Alice had to write up a detailed log of the trip, complete with scientific data.• Meanwhile, an event log shows a listing of events and breakpoint messages.• What she did not mention in her log was that she had found a bottle of liquor that Bill had stashed away.• Mark logs and milled lumber from the older trees, giving consumers a choice of boycott.• This is done to prevent the process log becoming too large.• He complained to a senior officer, who made a note in the ship's log.• A few cluster flies found the warm logs and sat on them.Related topics: Forestrylog2 ●●○ verb (logged, logging)  1  [transitive]RECORD to make an official record of events, facts etc 正式记录〔事件、事实等〕 All phone calls are logged. 所有电话均予以记录。2  [transitive]TTA to travel a particular distance or for a particular length of time, especially in a plane or ship 〔尤指飞机或船只〕行驶,行进〔一定距离或时间〕 The pilot has logged 1,200 flying hours. 那位飞行员已有1,200小时的飞行记录。3. [intransitive, transitive]TAF to cut down trees 伐木,砍伐〔树木〕4 log in/on phrasal verb TDto do the necessary actions on a computer system that will allow you to begin using it 登录,登入,进入〔计算机系统〕 to You need to log on to your home page. 你需要登录你的主页。5.log off/out phrasal verb TDto stop using a computer system by giving it particular instructions 登出,退出〔计算机系统〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuslog• Khader works full time now at nation-building, sometimes logging 16 hours of work in a day.• All deliveries must be logged.• When logged into his two-way communication system, you will be amazed at his love and understanding.• But for some countries trade in the wood is of direct benefit to the local people who log it.• At the time she was logged on at another computer in the station, working on an application form.• As more people log on, they experience frustrating delays.• By mid-July the INS had logged only 72 applications.• The pilot had logged over 150 hours of flying time.• Of these, logging poses by far the most serious threat.• The system can log the date and length of calls made by company employees.• Workers routinely logged twelve-hour days, and are doing so once again.From Longman Business Dictionaryloglog1 /lɒglɒːg, lɑːg/ verb (past tense and past participle logged, present participle logging) [transitive]1to make a record of each time that something happensThe new system logs every call that a customer makes to the company.2to change by a particular amountThe Consumer Price Index could log a gain of 0.5% in August. → log off → log on→ See Verb tableloglog2 noun [countable] an official detailed record of somethingKeep a detailed log of telephone calls.production logsOrigin log1 (1300-1400) Probably from a Scandinavian languagelog1 nounlog2 verbChinese  piece tree of wood from a Corpus a Business thick




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