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单词 lisp
释义  Related topics: Illness & disabilitylisp /lɪsp/ noun [singular]  MISPEAK A LANGUAGEa fault in the way someone speaks which makes them pronounce ‘s’ sounds as ‘th’ 咬舌〔语音缺陷,把s发成th音〕 She speaks with a slight lisp. 她说话带点咬舌音。 —lisp verb [intransitive, transitive]Examples from the Corpuslisp• Only in the frankly imitative words like buzz and lisp do hint and pointing coincide.• He had a slight lisp that used to be more pronounced.• Bobbi speaks with a slight lisp.• He spoke with a slight lisp and greeted Louis with respect but without subservience.• Its note had none of the lisp of a flute but was bell-like in its clarity.• The man with the lisp joined him.From Longman Business DictionaryRelated topics: ComputersLISPLISP /lɪsp/ noun [uncountable] COMPUTING list processing; a type of computer language used especially in ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCEOrigin lisp Old English wlyspianlisp nounChinese  in way fault Business speaks a the which someone Corpus




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