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单词 liken
释义  lik·en /ˈlaɪkən/ verb  1 liken somebody/something to somebody/something phrasal verb formalCOMPARE to say that someone or something is similar to another person or thing 将…比作 SYN compare Critics have likened the new theater to a supermarket. 批评者称新剧院就像是一个超级市场。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusliken• Was she likening the salvation of two white women and a Kurd to that of Noah's family?• Retailers were delighted, likening the sales pace to the Christmas season.• There was no attempt to liken any Conservative minister, or downtrodden Chancellor, to Baldrick or anyone else.• But if she had to liken him to anything it would be an overgrown teddy bear in determined pursuit of his honey.• Then Jones will liken Switzer to some of the great men in world history, like Marco Polo.• Critics have likened the new city hall building to a barn.• Morris has often been likened to Bobby Kennedy.• A reporter can only write one story at a time, which I liken to preparing just one dish at a time.• He likened today's stockmarket to that of the 1920's.• It will liken welfare to drugs: soothing, addictive, and utterly destructive of independence and initiative.lik·en verbChineseSyllable  that something is to say or someone Corpus




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