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单词 let up
释义  → See Verb tableˈlet-up (also letup American English) /ˈletʌp/ noun [singular, uncountable]  PAUSEwhen something unpleasant stops or becomes less difficult, severe etc 中止,平息;减弱no let-up/not any let-up The pressure at work continued without any let-up. 工作上的压力还是丝毫没有减轻。let-up in Streets were flooded, but still there was no let-up in the rain. 街道上都漫了水,可雨还是下个不停。 → let up at let1Examples from the Corpuslet-up• There can be no let-up in the war against drugs.• There's going to be no let-up, you know.• There was to be no let-up for more than three months.• On past form he need fear no let-up in the fight.• At peak times there is no let-up with an endless string of calls back-to-back.• The second period saw no let-up from either side with both still determined to play 15-man rugby.ˈlet-up nounChineseSyllable  less or Corpus stops when becomes something unpleasant




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