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单词 autonomous
释义  Related topics: Governmentau·ton·o·mous /ɔːˈtɒnəməs $ ɒːˈtɑː-/ ●○○ adjective  1  PGINDEPENDENT COUNTRY OR ORGANIZATIONan autonomous place or organization is free to govern or control itself 〔地方或机构〕自治的 SYN independentan autonomous region/state/republic etc Galicia is an autonomous region of Spain. 加利西亚是西班牙的一个自治区。2. INDEPENDENT PERSON formal having the ability to work and make decisions by yourself without any help from anyone else 有自主能力的,自主的 SYN independent —autonomously adverbExamples from the Corpusautonomous• The councils, which are locally autonomous, act as courts for the whole area.• These powers will limit the extent to which men and women can be autonomous and equal in love-making.• The love between man and wife, therefore, apparently presupposes man and wife treating one another as equal, autonomous beings.• an autonomous region• An autonomous system would need to be able to respond rapidly.• Because churches are autonomous, the denomination has no authority to limit the pulpit or deacon boards to men, he said.• Andorra is autonomous, with its external affairs managed by both France and autonomous region/state/republic etc• Tuva, under the Soviet system, was always an autonomous republic.• The Crimea had been an autonomous republic from 1921 to 1945.Origin autonomous (1800-1900) Greek autonomos “independent”, from auto- ( → AUTO-) + nomos “law”au·ton·o·mous adjectiveChineseSyllable  an free organization autonomous Corpus place is or




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