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单词 left-of-centre
释义  Related topics: Groupingsˌleft-of-cen·tre British English, left-of-center American English adjective  PPGsupporting ideas and aims that are between the centre and the left in politics 〔政治上〕中间偏左的 OPP right-of-centre a modern left-of-centre party with wide appeal 具有广泛吸引力的一个中间偏左的现代党派Examples from the Corpusleft-of-centre• A left-of-centre paper combining easy tabloid reading with heavyweight news coverage looked like a good bet.• The second consequence is that ambitious left-of-centre politicians no longer need to genuflect to the far left to advance their career.• Boal was a successful barrister who combined staunch unionism with a left-of-centre position on social and economic issues.ˌleft-of-cen·tre adjectiveChineseSyllable  aims Corpus are supporting ideas and that between




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