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单词 leftist
释义  Related topics: Groupingsleft·ist /ˈleftɪst/ adjective  PPGsupporting left-wing ideas or groups 左派的,左翼的 OPP rightist a coalition of leftist parties 左翼政党联盟 —leftist noun [countable] a group of radical leftists 一群左翼激进分子Examples from the Corpusleftist• Jacobson has solid liberal credentials, but he's not that kind of leftist.• Many victims of violence have been leading agitators against corruption, as well as high-profile leftist activists.• Most of its students are the provincial poor, the target audience of leftist guerrilla groups.• a leftist human rights group• A utilitarian concrete block clogged with book kiosks and leftist murals, it draws its 17,000 students from six northern provinces.• About another 25 percent of the voters here supported other leftist or nationalist parties.• After graduation from Johns Hopkins University, Kempton followed his leftist political instincts.• Other beneficiaries include an international financier and fugitive, Marc Rich; a leftist radical convicted of conspiring to bomb the U.S.• leftist views• Congress, have portrayed her as a prisoner of conscience persecuted for her leftist views.left·ist adjectiveChineseSyllable  supporting or ideas left-wing groups Corpus




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