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单词 large
释义 Word family  noun enlargement enlarger adjective large largish verb enlarge adverb largely  large1 /lɑːdʒ $ lɑːrdʒ/ ●●● S1 W1 adjective (comparative larger, superlative largest)  1  BIGbig in size, amount, or number 巨大的;大量的;大的 OPP small Los Angeles is the second largest city in the US. 洛杉矶是美国的第二大城市。 The T-shirt comes in Small, Medium and Large. 这种T恤有小号、中号和大号。 a large ovenproof pan 一只耐热的大烤盘 large sums of money 大笔的钱 those who drink large amounts of coffee 咖啡喝得很多的人 A large number of students have signed up for the course. 很多学生报名读这门课程。► see thesaurus at big2. BIGa large person is tall and often fat 身材高大(肥胖)的 OPP small► see thesaurus at fat3  be at large ESCAPEif a dangerous person or animal is at large, they have escaped from somewhere or have not been caught 〔危险人物或动物〕在逃的,未被捕获的 The escaped prisoners are still at large. 越狱犯依然在逃。4  the population/public/society/world etc at large IN GENERALpeople in general 全部人口/全部民众/全社会/全世界等 The chemical pollution poses a threat to the population at large. 化学污染对全部人口造成了威胁。5  the larger issues/question/problem/picture ALL/EVERYTHINGmore general facts, situations, or questions related to something 更大的问题/更广泛的局势 The book helps to explain the larger picture in the Middle East. 这本书有助于解释中东地区更广泛的局势。6  in large part/measure formalMOST mostly 大部分,基本上 Their success was due in large part to their ability to speak Spanish. 他们的成功主要归功于他们会说西班牙语。7  (as) large as life British English spokenTHERE used when someone has appeared or is present in a place where you did not expect to see them 确确实实(就在眼前)〔用于表示没有料到某人的出现〕 I turned a corner and there was Joe, as large as life. 我转过弯,乔居然就在我的眼前。8. larger than life INTERESTINGsomeone who is larger than life is very amusing or exciting in an attractive way 引人注目的,与众不同的9  by and large used when talking generally about someone or something 大体上,总体上 Charities, by and large, do not pay tax. 慈善机构一般来说无需缴税。 → loom large at loom1(3), → writ large at writ2Examples from the Corpuslarge• What size shirt do you wear? Medium or Large?• large agricultural corporations• The hotel was quite large and very cold.• The farm buildings are spread over a large area.• Now the stranger was standing on the quayside, watching several straining seamen carry a large, brass-bound chest down the gangplank.• On the other side of the fence there was a large bull.• Then they can not have what the larger community regards as the necessary minimum for decency ...• Leclerc preferred a diplomatic solution to a larger conflict.• Take the larger cushion to sit on -- you'll be more comfortable.• So the farm is well set with its 1000 acres of arable and large dairy herd.• Some of the huts are large enough to serve as dormitories, but most are about the size of a Navajo hogan.• He lived alone on the edge of a large forest.• Broken Hill has a large new platinum mine there.• Large numbers of seabirds have been killed by pollution following the oil spillage.• Philip found himself in a large playground surrounded by high brick walls.• Between five and 15 consultants chosen from a large pool of employees are typically called upon to review any given idea memorandum.• A large population of homeless people live in the park.• A large proportion of the audience consisted of teenaged girls.• She's used to working with large sums of money.• Hughes's activity started in 1975 when he bought three large Texas ranches totaling seven thousand acres.• I bought the largest TV I could find.• The largest urban areas in Britain lost population and employment in the 1950s and 60s.• Aunt Betsy was a very large woman.large amounts• There are grazing species which feed mainly on food animal organisms but ingest large amounts of algae in the process.• The very weakest meteors also contain large amounts of carbon, far more than we see in even the most carbon-rich meteorites.• And some relatively youthful households may have large amounts of financial liabilities.• Because the silica in andesite makes it thick and pasty, andesite tends to trap large amounts of gas.• The diagram demonstrates that large amounts of methane are formed in the anthracite stage.• To stop this happening, you have to retrain your bladder to hold larger amounts of urine.• Cocaine production requires large amounts of water, hence factories are nearly always built by streams.large2 verb  large it (up) British English informal to enjoy yourself, especially in a way that involves drinking alcohol, dancing etc 狂欢 Here’s a picture of us larging it up in Brighton last summer. 这是我们去年夏天在布赖顿狂欢时拍的照片。→ See Verb tableOrigin large (1100-1200) Old French Latin larguslarge1 adjectivelarge2 verbChinese  number or in size, amount, Corpus big




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