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单词 warn
释义  warn /wɔːn $ wɔːrn/ ●●● S3 W2 verb [intransitive, transitive]  1  WARNto tell someone that something bad or dangerous may happen, so that they can avoid it or prevent it 警告,告诫;提醒 ‘Be careful, the rocks are slippery, ’ Alex warned. “小心,岩石很滑。”亚历克斯提醒说。warn somebody about something Travellers to Africa are being warned about the danger of HIV infection. 去非洲旅行的人被警告要注意感染艾滋病的危险。warn (somebody) of something Salmon farmers are warning of the severe crisis facing the industry. 鲑鱼养殖场主警告说该行业正面临严重危机。warn somebody (not) to do something I warned you not to walk home alone. 我告诫过你不要一个人走路回家。 Motorists are being warned to avoid the centre of London this weekend. 现正提醒驾车者本周末要绕行伦敦市中心道路。warn somebody (that) We warned them that there was a bull in the field. 我们提醒他们,田里有一头公牛。2  WARNto tell someone about something before it happens so that they are not worried or surprised by it 预先通知〔某人以免其担忧或惊讶〕warn somebody (that) Warn her you’re going to be back late. 提前告诉她你要晚回去。 RegisterIn everyday English, people often use the expression let someone know rather than warn someone: 在日常英语中,人们一般用 let someone know,而不用 warn someoneLet me know if you’re not going to finish on time. 如果你不能准时完成的话,就提早告诉我。3 warn (somebody) against something phrasal verb WARNto advise someone not to do something because it may have dangerous or unpleasant results 〔因可能有危险或产生不良结果而〕告诫(某人)不要做〔某事〕 Her financial adviser warned her against such a risky investment. 她的理财顾问告诫过她不要进行风险那么大的投资。warn (somebody) against doing something The police have warned tourists against leaving the main tourist centres. 警方告诫游客不要离开主要旅游中心。4 warn somebody ↔ away phrasal verb to tell someone that they should not go near something, especially because it may be dangerous 警告〔某人〕不要靠近 The snake’s markings are intended to warn away predators. 蛇身上的斑纹是用来警告捕食者不要靠近。5 warn off phrasal verb a) THREATEN warn somebody ↔ off to tell people that they should not go near something, especially because it might be dangerous 警告某人不要靠近 Some animals mark their territory to warn off rivals. 有些动物在自己的地盘上留下记号,警告竞争者不要靠近。b) WARN warn somebody off (doing) something especially British English to tell someone that they should not do or use something because it might be dangerous 告诫某人不要用某物/做某事 Doctors should have warned people off using the drug much earlier than they did. 医生早就应该告诫人们不要使用这种药品。n GRAMMAR: Patterns with warn• You warn someone that something will happen (=you say it will definitely happen): I must warn you that the treatment will have side effects.• In the past, you say that someone warned that something would happen (=they said that it would definitely happen): Campaigners warned that the airport would harm the environment.• You warn that something might happen or could happen: He warned that there might be another war.• Warn is also often used in the passive. You say that someone was warned about something: We were warned about the dangers of global warming. THESAURUSwarn to tell someone about something bad or dangerous that might happen, so that they can avoid it or prevent it 警告;提醒I warned you about sitting out in the sun too long. 我提醒过你别在外面太阳底下坐太长时间。We were warned that there could be delays on the motorway, so we took another route. 有人提醒我们说走高速公路可能会有延误,因此我们走了另一条路线。give somebody a warning to tell someone that if they continue to behave in an unsatisfactory way, they will be punished 〔就不良行为〕警告某人He’s already been given several warnings about handing in his essays late. 他因为晚交论文已经受到好几次警告。nThe US gave a warning that if the hostages were not released, it would be forced to take military action.alert to officially or publicly warn people of possible danger so that they can prevent it or be ready to deal with it 〔官方或公开地〕警告,报警a campaign to alert people to the dangers of smoking 提醒人们注意吸烟危害的运动An anonymous caller alerted the police that a bomb was due to go off. 一个匿名者打电话报警,说有一枚炸弹即将爆炸。tip somebody off informal to secretly warn someone about something that is going to happen – used especially about warning the police about a crime 秘密警告某人;〔尤指〕向警察密报The police found the drugs after being tipped off by local residents. 警方得到当地居民的密报,找到了这批毒品。nInformants tipped the FBI off.caution formal to warn someone to do or not to do something in order to avoid a dangerous or bad result 警告,告诫People are being cautioned against using credit cards abroad, in case of fraud. 人们得到警告说为防止被诈骗,不要在国外使用信用卡。nHealth officials have cautioned the public to wash fruit thoroughly before eating it.forewarn /fɔːˈwɔːn $ fɔːrˈwɔːrn/ [usually passive] formal to warn someone about something that is going to happen, so that they are expecting it or ready for it 预先警告;事先告知We had been forewarned that the roads weren’t very good. 我们预先得到提醒说道路状况不太好。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuswarn• Tourists are warned against going to remoter regions.• But they should at least be warned, and wary.• Police are warning drivers not to go out on the roads unless their journey is really necessary.• We tried to warn her, but she refused to listen.• He would be the one Rostov had warned him to be wary of.• Something warned Lucy that she must stop him.• I was going for a swim, until the people in the hotel warned me about the jellyfish.• When I married my first Guenever you warned me that the marriage might be unwholesome for me.• Weather forecasters warned of possible flooding in coastal regions.• Dark clouds warned of the approaching storm.• A senior official in the State Statistical Bureau warned that demand had to be controlled to avoid runaway inflation.• Cooley warns that one should go slowly and not slip at the last rung of the ladder.• The local people were warned that the volcano might erupt at any time.• The bleached bones of cattle warn the traveler how hot it can be in Death Valley.• We were warned there were going to be delays on the motorway, so we came back by a different route.• The consequences could be serious - I just wanted to warn you.• Just warn your friend Martin to be extra careful, because everything he does is under close scrutiny.warn somebody (that)• Be warned that the photos contain graphic violent images.Origin warn Old English warnianwarn verb →n GRAMMAR1 →REGISTER1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  something that to Corpus bad tell someone or




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