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单词 attract
释义 Word family  noun attraction attractiveness adjective attractive ≠ unattractive verb attract adverb attractively  Related topics: Physicsat·tract /əˈtrækt/ ●●● S2 W2 verb [transitive]  1  ATTRACTto make someone interested in something, or make them want to take part in something 吸引,引起…的兴趣attract somebody to something What attracted me most to the job was the chance to travel. 这份工作最吸引我的地方是有机会旅行。attract attention/interest etc The story has attracted a lot of interest from the media. 这则报道引起了媒体的广泛关注。2  be attracted to somebody ATTRACTED TO somebodyto feel that you like someone and want to have a sexual relationship with them 爱慕某人,为某人所吸引 I’m not usually attracted to blondes. 我一般不喜欢金发女子。3  ATTRACTto make someone like or admire something or feel romantically interested in someone 吸引;引诱 I guess it was his eyes that attracted me first. 我想是他的眼睛首先迷住了我。4  ATTRACTto make someone or something move towards another thing 招引;吸引 Leftover food attracts flies. 剩饭剩菜招苍蝇。 low rents designed to attract new businesses to the area 旨在吸引新企业到这个地区来的低租金→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusattract• Politicians still risk having affairs, knowing the massive media attention they attract.• The food mixture will attract a variety of wild songbirds.• The industry needs to focus on what attracts customers.• Each has attracted his or her share of supporters who could also see the light once it was pointed out to them.• What attracts me to the job is the salary and the possibility of foreign travel.• Disney World attracts millions of tourists each year.• The special low rent is designed to attract new businesses to the area.• Have the children see whether the magnet will attract paper clips, coins etc.• Run by qualified volunteers, the club is keen to attract people of all ages and all abilities.• The drug's low price attracts school- and college-age users.• I must have cried out, for I attracted the attention of my husband.• Throughout his life Charles attracted the young and ambitious to his court.• Souvenir stands and pawnshops and a strip club attract those tired of spending their incomes one quarter at a time.• The tempo is usually fast since some programmers believe that fast-paced news programs attract younger audiences.attract attention/interest etc• I badly did not want to attract attention.• I mean, can't a high-profile couple get drastically different hairstyles without it attracting attention?• It is still unusual enough to attract attention.• Later a noted modern dancer, actress and teacher, de Lavallade began early on to attract attention.• McLaren first began attracting attention about six years ago when he started contesting boundary lines in the development where he lives.• The value of graphic material is to attract attention and convey information in a summarised form, e.g. cell division.• At times he attracted attention by making statements that were deliberately resonant.• To attract attention to your project, it is best to attach a reputable research name and talent to your proposal.From Longman Business Dictionaryattractat‧tract /əˈtrækt/ verb [transitive]1to make someone want to buy something, do something, or take part in somethingAdvertisements for a new headmaster attracted 120 candidates.attract somebody to somethingWhat attracted me most to the job was the chance to travel.2attract business/funding/interest/investmentCOMMERCE to create conditions where you start getting business or people start investing in your company etcEfforts have been made to attract foreign investment.3attract tax British EnglishTAX if something attracts tax, tax must be paid on itThey expect their post-retirement income to attract basic rate tax only.→ See Verb tableOrigin attract (1400-1500) Latin past participle of attrahere, from ad- “to” + trahere “to pull”at·tract verbChineseSyllable  make them Corpus to Business interested in something, or make someone




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