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单词 attacker
释义 Word family  noun attack counterattack attacker adjective attacking counterattacking verb attack counterattack  at·tack·er /əˈtækə $ -ər/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1  a person who deliberately uses violence to hurt someone 攻击者,袭击者 Her attacker then dragged her into the bushes. 袭击者接着将她拖进灌木丛。 a sex attacker 强奸犯2. a member of a sports team whose job is to move forward and try to score goals or win points 进攻队员 → defenderExamples from the Corpusattacker• Margaret McLaughlin almost certainly scratched her attacker.• Her attacker is described as white, in his mid-fifties and with medium-length dark hair.• Her attacker then dragged her into bushes.• Eventually Ponyboy's best friend, Johnny kills his attacker in order to save his and Ponyboy's life.• The trapped forces use up their supplies, and the attacker can strike from all directions.• Some of the attackers were also killed and injured, but their number was not immediately known.• Mr Harrison was slashed across the chest three times and stabbed, yet he clung on, trying to overpower the attacker.• The attacker fled empy-handed.• The defender now turns attacker, stepping quickly forward and striking with a reverse punch to his attacker's·tack·er nounChineseSyllable  a Corpus uses who deliberately someone hurt to person violence




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