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单词 K
释义  Related topics: Letters & punctuationK1, k /keɪ/ noun (plural K’s, k’s) [countable, uncountable]  SLAthe 11th letter of the alphabet 英语字母表的第十一个字母Examples from the CorpusK• The drumbeat of articles about Secretary of State Madeleine K.• Hopefully, it caught the attention of incoming Secretary of State Madeleine K.• Earlier this month, he sent a lengthy letter to Susan K.• Measuring the infant, administering vitamin K and eye ointment, and bathing the infant must be saved for later. 6.Related topics: ComputersK2 /keɪ/  1  (also k) informalMONEY an abbreviation of one thousand / thousand 的缩写,一千 a salary of £30k a year 年薪三万英镑2. TDan abbreviation of kilobyte or kilobytes / kilobyte 或 kilobytes 的缩写,千字节3  (also k) a written abbreviation of kilometre or kilometres / kilometre 或 kilometres 的书面缩写,千米,公里 a 20k international race walker 20公里国际竞走比赛运动员4. the abbreviation of Kelvin or Kelvins Kelvin 或 Kelvins 的缩写,开〔开尔文温标的计量单位〕From Longman Business DictionaryKK1written abbreviation for ONE THOUSANDa salary of 59K a year2COMPUTING written abbreviation for KILOBYTE(S)K1 nounK2Chinese  the 11th Corpus letter Business of the alphabet




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