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单词 joker
释义 Word family  noun joke joker jokiness jocularity adjective jokey jocular verb joke adverb jokingly jokily jocularly  Related topics: Cardsjok·er /ˈdʒəʊkə $ ˈdʒoʊkər/ noun [countable]  1  informalJOKE someone who behaves in a way you think is stupid 傻瓜,蠢人 Look at that joker – he’s doing 25 miles an hour at the most. 瞧那个傻瓜,他的时速最多25英里。2. DGCa playing card that has no fixed value and is only used in some card games 〔某些纸牌游戏中可充作任何点数的〕百搭牌3. JOKEsomeone who makes a lot of jokes 爱开玩笑的人4. the joker in the pack FUTUREsomething or someone whose effect on future events cannot be known 难以预料的事;难以捉摸的人Examples from the Corpusjoker• Invariably the butt of the family joker, he leaves his wife clamouring for an image maker for a husband.• Rosa, you should remember, is an inveterate joker.• Some joker had nailed the bench to the floor.• Some joker had removed them all.• Then as later, bald men liked to rebut the jokers by recalling great bald men of the past.• Zoology, the joker in his pack, offered in his final year, also achieved 62 percent.jok·er nounChineseSyllable  think someone who behaves Corpus you way a in




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