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单词 joined-up
释义  ˌjoined-ˈup adjective [only before noun] British English  1. joined-up writing has all the letters in each word connected to each other 〔书写〕连笔的2  joined-up systems, institutions etc combine different groups, ideas, or parts in a way that works well 〔系统、机构等〕整合的,协调的 joined-up government 协同政府 the need for joined-up thinking between departments 各部门想法协调的必要性Examples from the Corpusjoined-up• Once pupils can produce a printed style of handwriting fluently and confidently, they should begin to develop a comfortable joined-up style.ˌjoined-ˈup adjectiveChineseSyllable  writing joined-up the in has letters all each word Corpus




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