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单词 jerkin
释义  Related topics: Clothesjer·kin /ˈdʒɜːkɪn $ -ɜːr-/ noun [countable]  DCCa short jacket that covers your body but not your arms, worn in the past 〔旧时的〕无袖外套,坎肩Examples from the Corpusjerkin• One was dressed in a dark blue jerkin and hose.• Strap on your bodices, jerkins and breastplates.• His jerkin was of red satin.• A contemporary picture portrays Schmidt as a tall well-built man, full bearded, in jerkin and knee-length hose.• Jenny, in a purple tweed skirt and a leather jerkin and black boots, stepped delicately inside.• She tugged off his patterned trousers and the leather jerkin.• Maeve ordered him to be stripped of his travel-stained jerkin and leggings.• They flexed their claws on their medallions, up and down the zips of their jerkins.jer·kin nounChineseSyllable  your arms, Corpus not a jacket short your covers that but body




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