单词 |
Jackson, the Reverend Jesse |
释义 |
Jackson, the Reverend Jesse the Reverend Jesse JacksonJackson, the Reverend Jes·se /ˈdʒesi/ (1941–) a US politician in the Democratic Party, who is also a minister in the Baptist Church and one of the leading African-American politicians in the US. He was active in the civil rights movement during the 1960s, and is known as a very effective public speaker who has always supported African-American people and other groups who have been unfairly treated in the past.Jackson, the Reverend Jes·seSyllable |
随便看 |
- follow the signs directions
- follow the signs/somebody's directions
- follow the somebody's directions
- Food-topic yummy
- Food-topic zucchini
- Food-topic zucchini
- Food-topic zwieback
- Food-topic zwieback
- Food-topic à la carte
- Food-topic à la carte
- Food-topic éclair
- Food-topic éclair
- fool
- fool around
- fooled
- foolery
- fool gold
- foolgold
- fool-gold
- foolhardiness
- foolhardy
- fooling
- foolish
- foolishly
- foolishness
- Misanthropic
- Cognize
- Vivacity
- Gauntlet
- Tidewater
- Whiten
- Slacken
- Supervise
- Controlling account
- Pipeline
- 圣人终日信口开合,千言万语,随事问答,无一字不可为训。贤者深沉而思,稽留而应,平气而言,易心而语,始免于过。出此二者而恣口放言,皆狂迷醉梦语也。终日言,无一字近道,何以多为?
- 圣人绝四,不惟纤尘微障无处著脚,即万理亦无作用处,所谓顺万事而无情也。
- 圣人联天下为一身,运天下于一心。今夫四肢百骸、五脏六腑皆吾身也,痛痒之微无有不觉、无有不顾,四海之痛痒,岂帝王所可忽哉!夫一指之疔如粟,可以致人之死命,国之存亡不在耳目闻见时,闻见时则无及矣。此以利害言之耳。一身麻木若不是我,非身也。人君者,天下之人君;天下者,人君之天下。而血气不相通,心知不相及,岂天立君之意耶!
- 圣人胸中万理浑然,寂时则如悬衡鉴,感之则若决江河,未有无故自发一善念。善念之发,胸中不纯善之故也。故惟有旦昼之梏亡,然后有夜气之清明。圣人无时不夜气,是以胸中无无,故自见光景。
- 圣人能生法,不能废法而治国
- 圣人能用天下,而后天下乐为之用。圣人以心用天下,以形用心,用者,无用者也,众用之所恃以为用者也。若与天下竞智勇,角聪明,则穷矣。
- 圣人诚信无伪。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 圣人闻谏若味甘,愚者得谏若食荼。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 圣代无隐者,英灵尽来归。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 圣卡斯巴是什么意思
- 圣君贤相在位,不必将在朝小人一网尽去之,只去元恶大奸,每种芟其甚者一二,示吾意向之所在。彼群小众邪与中人之可善可恶者莫不回心向道,以逃吾之所去。旧恶掩覆不暇,新善积累不及,而何敢怙终以自溺耶?故举皋陶,不仁者远;去四凶,不仁者亦远。
- 圣哲先贤的谆谆教导
- 圣女果点燃的幸福
- 圣学下手处是无不敬,住脚处是恭而安。
- 圣学专责人事,专言实理。
- Climbing句子
- Outfight句子
- Pus句子
- Outbid句子
- Domestic cat句子
- Shopping句子
- Albany句子
- Airsickness句子
- Toboggan句子
- Passerby句子
- Adventuresome句子
- Miss out句子
- Clearance sale句子
- Lavatory句子
- Quick-tempered句子