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单词 J
释义  Related topics: Letters & punctuationJ1, j /dʒeɪ/ noun (plural J’s, j’s) [countable, uncountable]  SLAthe tenth letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表的第十个字母Examples from the CorpusJ• Surgener, who was thought to be just keeping the seat warm for junior college transfer A. J.• Everyone turned towards B. J.• The photos were purportedly taken by free-lancer E. J.• As the jury deliberated for its fifth day Monday, O. J.• Link him with O. J.• One such skeptic, Patrick J.Related topics: ElectricityJ2  HPEthe written abbreviation of joule or joules / joule 或 joules 的书面缩写 ,焦耳J1 nounJ2Chinese  letter Corpus tenth English of alphabet the the




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