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单词 interpretation
释义 Word family  noun interpretation interpreter adjective interpretative interpretive verb interpret  Related topics: Performing, Artsin·ter·pre·ta·tion /ɪnˌtɜːprɪˈteɪʃən $ -ɜːr-/ ●●○ W3 AWL noun [countable, uncountable]  1  MEANINGthe way in which someone explains or understands an event, information, someone’s actions etc 解释,说明;理解 One possible interpretation is that they want you to resign. 一种可能的解释是,他们想要你辞职。 It’s difficult to put an accurate interpretation on (=explain) the survey results. 对调查结果难以作出确切的解释。 What exactly the author meant by that statement is open to interpretation (=able to be understood or explained in different ways). 作者这句话的确切含义可有各种理解。2  APSHOW A FEELING OR ATTITUDEthe way in which someone performs a play, a piece of music etc and shows what they think and feel about it 〔对戏剧、音乐作品等的〕表演,演绎;处理方式 Laurence Olivier’s brilliant interpretation of Henry V 劳伦斯 · 奥利弗对亨利五世的精彩演绎Examples from the Corpusinterpretation• Lawyers called the police department's interpretation of the law "ridiculous."• Leonard won for his skillful interpretation of a piece by Mozart.• The word "reasonable" is vague and open to interpretation.• the traditional interpretation of Marx's opinionsopen to interpretation• Thus judgements are made on subjective grounds concerning the performance of the individual and this will be open to interpretation.• As a result, what we see is consistently open to interpretation, often with profound and tragic consequences.• The function of certain artefacts is less open to·ter·pre·ta·tion nounChineseSyllable  which way the or in Corpus an someone explains understands




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