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单词 instruct
释义 Word family  noun instruction instructor adjective instructive instructional verb instruct adverb instructively  Related topics: Lawin·struct /ɪnˈstrʌkt/ ●●○ AWL verb [transitive]  1  TELL/ORDER somebody TO DO somethingto officially tell someone what to do 命令,指示 → orderinstruct somebody to do something His secretary was instructed to cancel all his engagements. 他的秘书接到通知,取消他所有的预约。instruct (somebody) that The judge immediately instructed that Beattie be released. 法官立即宣布释放贝蒂。 Eva went straight to the hotel, as instructed (=as she had been told). 伊娃按照指示径直去了宾馆。instruct somebody what to do He had instructed the slaves what to say when questioned. 他指示奴隶们在受到盘问时要说些什么。► see thesaurus at order2  TEACH formal to teach someone something, or show them how to do something 教授,指导instruct somebody in something Greater effort is needed to instruct children in road safety. 在指导儿童注意道路安全方面需要更大的努力。instruct somebody how to do something Employees are instructed how to make a complaint. 雇员接受如何投诉的训练。► see thesaurus at teach3  British English formalTELL to officially tell someone about something 通知be instructed that I was instructed that £20,000 had been paid into my account. 我得到通知两万英镑已存入我的账户。n Grammar Instruct is usually passive in this meaning.4. British English lawSCLJOB/WORK to employ a lawyer to represent you in court 委托〔律师〕出庭→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusinstruct• It is a good idea to instruct a specialist company to inspect the property for damp.• She took the tablets three times every day, as instructed by her doctor.• New recruits are instructed in marching and the handling of weapons.• One of the secretaries had been instructed to reserve me a seat on the next plane to London.• The person who instructed you obviously didn't know much about map-reading!as instructed• We got there at 11:55 a.m. and rang the bell as instructed.• As he expected, they found themselves quite unable to do as instructed.• I enclose the official byelaw in respect of Nether Wyresdale duly signed by myself on behalf of the Parish Council as instructed.• Suppose that the jury, having been directed in accordance with the present decision, consider first the robbery charge, as instructed.• Then Maurice flew to New York, as instructed.• I moved down the corridor, as instructed, and rounded the elevators to the bank on the far side.• On their return they discovered he had not only done as instructed but painted the trees which lined the drive as well.• You should attend for routine follow-up visits as instructed, probably at least once a year.instruct somebody how to do something• Ed instructed us how to approach our chips.• Although men provide more menace to the basis of a society, it is women who are instructed in how to behave.• He taught his players courses in etiquette, instructed them on how to properly use a fork and knife.• Anderson carefully instructs us on how to react to all of this from the start.• They instruct people how to take binding directives, and when to acknowledge that they are instructed that• I want you to instruct them that they've got three months instead of six to get the details sorted out.From Longman Business Dictionaryinstructin‧struct /ɪnˈstrʌkt/ verb [transitive]1to order someone to do somethinginstruct somebody to do somethingThe government has instructed banks to limit real estate lending growth to 2% this year.2LAW to employ a lawyer to deal with a legal caseThe firm has instructed an attorney.→ See Verb tableOrigin instruct (1400-1500) Latin past participle of instruere, from struere “to build”in·struct verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  what tell someone do officially Business to Corpus to




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