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单词 instant
释义 Word family  noun instance instant adjective instant instantaneous adverb instantly instantaneously  Related topics: Food, dishin·stant1 /ˈɪnstənt/ ●●○ W3 adjective  1  IMMEDIATELY[usually before noun] happening or produced immediately 立刻的,马上的 SYN immediate an instant success 马到成功 a system that provides instant access to client information 能立即查到客户信息的系统 The women took an instant dislike to one another. 这些女人立刻就彼此厌恶起来。 The programme brought an instant response. 节目立即引起了反响。2  [only before noun]DFF instant food, coffee etc is in the form of powder and prepared by adding hot water 〔食物、咖啡等〕即食的,食用[调制]方便的 instant coffee 速溶咖啡 instant soup 方便汤Examples from the Corpusinstant• Underwater cables permitted instant communication between the continents.• He took an instant dislike to LeRoy.• The workers are being threatened with instant dismissal.• I would reach for two mugs and two packets of the instant drink mix which was our evening ration.• Polreis and Kimsey became instant friends, a bond made closer by the fact that both ultimately adopted children.• We knew that there were no instant or easy solutions to overcome the problems that we faced.• The Marlins come as close to being instant pudding as almost any professional franchise in history.• It was a brilliant move, and one that gave Clinton instant Stature-presidential stature-in the minds of many previous doubters.• Foam-breathing would have many uses, beginning with the use of oxygenated foam for instant well-being.instant2 ●○○ noun  1  [countable usually singular]SHORT TIME a moment 片刻,顷刻 She caught his eye for an instant. 她刹那间便吸引了他的目光。 When the rain started, the crowd vanished in an instant (=immediately). 开始下雨了,人群转眼间消失无踪。instant of an instant of panic 片刻的恐慌 She stepped towards the door and, in that very same instant, the doorbell rang. 她走向门口,就在此时门铃响了。2  the instant (that) IMMEDIATELYas soon as something happens 一…(就…) The instant I saw him, I knew he was the man from the restaurant. 我一看到他就认出他是餐馆里的那个人。 Jen burst out laughing the instant she walked in. 她一走进来,珍就大笑起来。3  this instant spokenIMMEDIATELY used when telling someone, especially a child, to do something immediately 立即,现在就〔尤用于催促小孩〕 SYN now Come here this instant! 立刻过来!Examples from the Corpusinstant• For an instant, he seemed to look at me, too.• He could memorize a page of type or a visual pattern almost in an instant.• All my resolve during my walks along the Seine to become detached from my family vanished in an instant.• It took me an instant to recognize who he was.• The scientists looked at each other in astonishment, and in that instant, Benny bolted.• The instant she touched it Luce felt the second star dip beneath the pressure of her an instant• In the desert, dust storms can rise up in an instant.• All my resolve during my walks along the Seine to become detached from my family vanished in an instant.• All this flashed through her head in an instant.• It was functional but soft, enveloping a visitor in instant comfort and security.• My own professional credibility would be lost in an instant if I proposed a boring twit.• The Myrcan was at the stairs in an instant with his staff in his hands.• The sport has given him all this, and could take him from it in an instant.• What may be unhealthy is the desire for instant transformations, the desire for that change to take place in an instant.• Woulda killed an ordinary man in an instant.From Longman Business Dictionaryinstantin‧stant /ˈɪnstənt/ adjective happening or available immediatelyWe do not expect instant profits.The agreement will offer subscribers instant access to overseas databases.Origin instant1 (1400-1500) French Latin instans, present participle of instare “to stand on, be present”, from stare “to stand”in·stant1 adjectiveinstant2 nounChineseSyllable   Corpus or Business happening produced immediately




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