随便看 |
- be born to do sth
- be born under a lucky star
- be born under a lucky/unlucky star
- be born under a unlucky star
- be born with a silver spoon in your mouth
- be bound
- be bound by
- be bound (by something)
- be bound by something
- be bound by sth
- be bounded by
- be bounded by something
- be bounded by sth
- be bound to
- be bound to do
- be bound to do something
- be bound to do sth
- be bound together by
- be bound (together) by something
- be bound together by something
- be bound together by sth
- be bound up in
- be bound up in something
- be bound up in sth
- be bound up with
- Retain
- Spokesman
- Adviser
- Genetic
- Electricity
- Port
- Initially
- Wipe
- Cousin
- Statistics
- 父亲的遗憾
- 父亲老了以后
- 父亲节陪公公看电影
- 父亲那沉沉的爱
- 父兄有善行,子弟学之或无不肖;父兄有恶行,子弟学之则无不肖。可知父兄教子弟,必正其身以率之,无庸徒事言词也。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 父兮生我,母兮鞠我。拊我畜我,生我育我,顾我复我,出人腹我。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 父在居母丧,母在居父丧,以从生者之命为重。故孝子不以死者忧生者,不以小节伤大体,不泥经而废权,不徇名而害实,不全我而伤亲。所贵乎孝子心者,亲之心而已。
- 父在观其志,父没观其行。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 父子不同位,以厚敬也。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 父子骑驴
- 父归
- 父慈子孝·兄友弟恭是什么意思
- 父慈子孝,兄爱弟敬,夫和妻柔,姑慈妇听,礼也。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 父慈子孝,兄良弟悌,夫义妇听,长惠幼顺。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 父慈子孝,兄友弟恭
- Library of Congress句子
- Hostess句子
- Isis句子
- Be known for句子
- Hezbollah句子
- Fiord句子
- Immemorial句子
- Intergalactic句子
- Inviting句子
- Socialite句子
- Take a look句子
- Catatonic句子
- Teal句子
- Sink or swim句子
- A fool's errand句子