单词 |
insectivore |
释义 |
Related topics: Animals, Insectsin·sec·ti·vore /ɪnˈsektəvɔː $ -vɔːr/ noun [countable] HBAHBIa creature that eats insects for food 食虫动物[植物] → carnivore, herbivore, omnivore —insectivorous /ˌɪnsekˈtɪvərəs◂/ adjectiveExamples from the Corpusinsectivore• It is related to the hedgehog, or rather it belongs to the same family of insectivores.• The very first mammals were small insectivores, probably very similar to this modern tree shrew.• In addition to these spiny insectivores there are two other armoured species, the extraordinary hero shrews.• Again, the insectivores in closely related groups can coexist, whereas this is rare in the frugivores.• Until recently they were thought to be primitive primates but now science has put them firmly among the insectivores.• A great diversification of herbivorous and carnivorous forms developed from the insectivores.• The most primitive representatives are extremely similar to the insectivores.• It is thought that the very first placental mammals were tiny insectivores, but no fossil evidence of them remains.in·sec·ti·vore nounChineseSyllable a creature that insects eats Corpus food for |
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- 凡人初动一念是如此,及做出来却不是如此,事去回顾又觉不是如此,只是识见不定。圣贤才发一念,始终如一,即有思索,不过周详此一念耳。盖圣贤有得于豫养,故安闲;众人取办于临时,故眩惑。
- 凡人应酬多不经思,一向任情做去,所以动多有悔。若心头有一分检点,便有一分得处,智者之忽固不若愚者之详也。
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- 凡人读书,必须专心致至,不出户庭,如此痛下工夫三五年,便可立些根本。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
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