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单词 stern
释义  stern1 /stɜːn $ stɜːrn/ ●○○ adjective  1  STRICTserious and strict, and showing strong disapproval of someone’s behaviour 严格的,苛刻的 sterner penalties for drug offences 对毒品犯罪的更为严厉的惩罚stern look/voice/expression etc ‘Wait!’ I shouted in my sternest voice. “且慢!”我厉声喊道。stern warning/rebuke His actions have earned him stern rebukes from human rights organizations. 他的行为招致人权组织的严厉指责。► see thesaurus at strict2  be made of sterner stuff to have a strong character and be more determined than other people to succeed in a difficult situation 〔遇到困难时〕具有坚强的性格,有坚定的决心 Ann, made of sterner stuff than I, refused all offers of help. 安比我性格坚强,她拒绝一切帮助。 —sternly adverb —sternness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusstern• Sundram insisted the act was a reasonable response to the stern anti-drug law approved under then Gov.• Sheila walked into the museum, under the stern gaze of the curator.• a stern judge• A stern judgment indeed, but an accurate one none the less.• And she had also forgotten the stern lecture she had given herself earlier, she thought despairingly.• Her grandfather was a stern man who rarely smiled.• But Thursday morning beaming managers were replaced by stern security guards who refused to even let workers into the building.• This time, however, the opposition was made of sterner stuff.• But he reminded reporters of the stern warnings issued Sunday by Gen.• The uniforms were different but the faces were the same: narrow and stern with a hint of cruelty in the eyes.stern look/voice/expression etc• He spoke in a stern voice, nodding to-wards the stairs.• From within the universities there were stern voices of anti-vocationalism and resistance to public demands for responsiveness, strengthening the impression.• The Soviet boy stands straight, and salutes us with a stern expression on his face.• A stern voice spoke of the significance of this moment, the victorious Allied forces coming together in Berlin.Related topics: Waterstern2 noun [countable usually singular]  TTWthe back of a ship 船尾,艉部 → bowExamples from the Corpusstern• There was a mass of shipping in the port, small skiffs, boats, the huge heavy-bottomed sterns of Hanseatic merchantmen.• Marina was sat in the stern, the wind moving her hair as she looked out over the water.• The boy had backed out of the stern.• The waves which lapped over the stern of the raft were our waste-disposal system.• Water Gypsy shuddered from bow to stern.Origin stern1 Old English styrne stern2 (1200-1300) Probably from Old Norse stjorn “steering”stern1 adjectivestern2 nounChinese  and strict, of someone’s and strong disapproval serious Corpus showing behaviour




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