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单词 innocence
释义 Word family  noun innocence innocent adjective innocent adverb innocently  Related topics: Lawin·no·cence /ˈɪnəsəns/ ●●○ noun [uncountable]  1  SCLINNOCENT/NOT GUILTYthe fact of being not guilty of a crime 清白,无罪 OPP guilt Can you prove your innocence? 你能证明自己清白吗?protest/maintain your innocence (=say repeatedly that you are not guilty) 坚持说自己无罪 The prisoners continued to protest their innocence. 犯人们一再申明他们无罪。2  EXPERIENCEDlack of experience of life or of knowledge of the bad things in the world 阅世不深,天真,单纯 In our innocence, we believed everything we were told. 我们太幼稚,把听到的一切都信以为真。 the innocence of childhood 童年的纯真3. in all innocence HARM/BE BAD FORif you do or say something in all innocence, you have no intention of doing harm or of offending anyone 完全没有恶意Examples from the Corpusinnocence• Lawyers are trying to prove their client's innocence.protest/maintain your innocence• He's been on remand for twenty months and always protested his innocence.• The four have maintained their innocence of the charges.• Both men maintain their innocence and are fighting extradition.• It will be said that children should maintain their innocence and should be protected from such distressing subjects as bereavement.• They protested their innocence, and referred to the fact that no charges had been brought against them.• She wasn't going to protest her innocence again, but it was time this scene with its explosive potential was ended.• He is pleasant, quite soft-spoken and a personable gentleman who maintains his·no·cence nounChineseSyllable  a being crime of guilty of the fact Corpus not




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