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单词 inhale
释义  Related topics: Biologyin·hale /ɪnˈheɪl/ verb [intransitive, transitive]  BREATHEto breathe in air, smoke, or gas 吸入〔空气、烟雾或气体〕 OPP exhale It is dangerous to inhale ammonia fumes. 吸入氨气是很危险的。 Myra lit another cigarette and inhaled deeply (=breathed in a lot of smoke). 迈拉又点上一支烟,深深地吸了一口。 —inhalation /ˌɪnhəˈleɪʃən/ noun [uncountable] One man was treated for smoke inhalation (=when you breathe smoke from a fire). 一名男子因吸入浓烟而接受治疗。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusinhale• Stella lit up a cigarette and inhaled deeply.• Every time he inhaled, his lungs made an awful wheezing sound.• It was later determined that Burke had inhaled poisonous fumes.• It is dangerous to inhale the fumes produced by these chemicals.inhaled deeply• She lay back on the ground and inhaled deeply.• She turned back towards him, leant against the stove and inhaled deeply.• Urquhart inhaled deeply and flexed his firm jaw.• Bethany inhaled deeply and made the embers glow.• She inhaled deeply and threw her head back to blow the smoke towards the ceiling.• Lighting the cigarette, she inhaled deeply, drawing in a suction of relief.• She inhaled deeply, her face a little shocked.Origin inhale (1700-1800) in- + -hale (as in exhale)in·hale verbChineseSyllable  or to gas Corpus breathe smoke, in air,




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