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单词 infringe
释义  in·fringe /ɪnˈfrɪndʒ/ ●○○ verb [transitive]  1 SCLILLEGALto do something that is against a law or someone’s legal rights 违反〔法律〕;侵犯〔他人权利〕 A backup copy of a computer program does not infringe copyright. 计算机程序的备份不侵犯版权。2 infringe on/upon something phrasal verb LIMITto limit someone’s freedom in some way 〔在某方面〕限制〔某人的自由〕 Some students argued that the rule infringed on their right to free speech. 一些学生争辩说,这一规定侵犯了他们言论自由的权利。 —infringement noun [countable, uncountable] the infringement of human rights 对人权的侵犯→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusinfringe• If a teacher makes copies of software for students, he or she is infringing copyright.• Arrangements for widow's pensions infringed laws on equal pay and treatment.• The court ruled that he had infringed the company's patent.From Longman Business Dictionaryinfringein‧fringe /ɪnˈfrɪndʒ/ (also infringe on) verb [transitive] to do something that is against a law or someone’s legal rightsThere was no evidence that Apple’s work was infringing Xerox copyrights.We’ll be watching closely to see whether they infringe on our patents. —infringement noun [countable, uncountable]The company doesn’t believe its promotional material is a trademark infringement.→ See Verb tableOrigin infringe (1500-1600) Latin infringere, from frangere “to break”in·fringe verbChineseSyllable   Business to that Corpus is against something do a




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