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单词 informed
释义 Word family  noun informant information informer misinformation disinformation adjective informative ≠ uninformative informed ≠ uninformed verb inform misinform adverb informatively  in·formed /ɪnˈfɔːmd $ -ɔːr-/ ●○○ adjective  1  INFORMATIONhaving a lot of knowledge or information about a particular subject or situation 见多识广的;消息灵通的 Informed sources said it was likely that the president would make a televised statement. 据消息灵通人士说,总统可能会发表电视声明。well-informed/ill-informed I became reasonably well-informed about the subject. 我对这个话题有了还算比较多的了解。2  informed decision/choice/judgment etc KNOW somethinga decision etc that is based on knowledge of a subject or situation 有根据的决定/选择/判断等 Good information is essential if people are to make informed choices about services. 人们若要明智地选择服务,就必须有准确的信息。3  keep somebody informed TELLto give someone the latest news and details about a situation 不断给某人提供最新消息 Please keep me fully informed of any developments. 事态如有进展,请随时通知我。Examples from the Corpusinformed• an informed public• The report was confirmed by informed sources within the·formed adjectiveChineseSyllable  a lot a or having information Corpus of knowledge particular about




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