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单词 inflation
释义 Word family  noun inflation inflatable deflation reflation adjective inflatable inflated inflationary deflationary reflationary verb inflate deflate reflate  Related topics: Business, Economicsin·fla·tion /ɪnˈfleɪʃən/ ●●○ W3 noun [uncountable]  1  BPEa continuing increase in prices, or the rate at which prices increase 物价上涨(率),通货膨胀(率) Inflation is now at over 16%. 通货膨胀率现已超过16%。2. AIRthe process of filling something with air 充气 COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + inflationlow 低的France had achieved low inflation and steady growth. 法国实现了低通胀率和经济稳定增长。high 高的Inflation remained high throughout this period. 这一时期内通胀率仍居高不下。annual inflation 年通胀率Annual inflation in 1990 was 8.1%. 1990年的年度通胀率为8.1﹪。rising inflation 升高的通货膨胀率The country was hit by rising inflation. 该国遭到不断升高的通货膨胀率的打击。spiralling/soaring inflation (=inflation that is increasing quickly and out of control) 呈螺旋形上升的/急剧上升的通货膨胀率nArgentina was suffering from spiralling inflation.price/wage inflation (=increasing prices/wages) 价格/工资上涨nPrice inflation was running at about twelve percent last summer.inflation + NOUNthe inflation rate/the rate of inflation 通货膨胀率The current inflation rate stands at 4.1%. 目前通胀率为4.1%。the inflation figures 通货膨胀数字April's inflation figures are likely to show a further fall. 4月的通胀数据可能呈进一步下降的趋势。verbscause/lead to inflation 导致通货膨胀Too much government borrowing can lead to inflation. 政府过度借贷可导致通货膨胀。fuel inflation/push up inflation (=make inflation worse) 加剧通货膨胀The increase in food prices is fuelling inflation. 食品价格上涨加剧了通货膨胀。nThere are now fears that price rises will push up inflation.control/curb inflation (=prevent it from increasing more) 抑制通货膨胀These measures are designed to curb inflation. 这些措施的目的是抑制通货膨胀。fight/combat inflation 抵制通货膨胀An economic plan to combat inflation was drawn up. 起草了一项抑制通货膨胀的经济计划。reduce inflation/get inflation down 降低通货膨胀率The government has promised to reduce inflation to 3%. 政府已承诺要把通货膨胀率降至3%。nThe government's top priority is to get inflation down to 2%.nkeep inflation down (=keep it at a low level)These policies will help to keep inflation down.inflation rises 通货膨胀率升高Inflation rose steadily from the mid-1960s. 20世纪60年代中期起通货膨胀率持续升高。inflation falls 通货膨胀率下降Inflation fell by 0.5% last month. 上个月通货膨胀率下降0.5%。inflation is running at 3%/4% etc (also inflation stands at 3%/4% etc) (=used to talk about the present rate of inflation) 通货膨胀率为3%/4%等Inflation currently stands at 3.2%. 目前通货膨胀率为3.2%。keep pace with inflation (=be at the same level as inflation) 与通货膨胀率保持同步Salaries have not kept pace with inflation. 工资水平未能与通货膨胀率保持同步。From Longman Business Dictionaryinflationin‧fla‧tion /ɪnˈfleɪʃən/ noun [uncountable]ECONOMICS a continuing increase in the prices of goods and services, or the rate at which prices increaseA slowing economy would help contain inflation (=control it).Gold does well only during periods of high inflation.Portugal had annual average inflation of 11.4% last year.The inflation rate rose to 4.5% last month.Adjusted for inflation (=after taking inflation into account) real growth is estimated to be 1.8%. → asset inflation → consumer price inflation → core inflation → cost inflation → creeping inflation → demand inflation → double-digit inflation → galloping inflation → headline inflation → hyperinflation → structural inflation → underlying inflation → wage inflation → wage-push inflation → zero inflationin·fla·tion noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  rate Business continuing at increase prices, which the in a or




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