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单词 inference
释义 Word family  noun inference adjective inferential verb infer adverb inferentially  in·fer·ence /ˈɪnfərəns/ ●○○ AWL noun  1  [countable]MEANING something that you think is true, based on information that you have 推论,推断的结果draw/make inferences (about/from something) What inferences have you drawn from this evidence? 你从这个证据中推论出了什么结果?2  [uncountable]MEANING when someone infers something 推理,推断by inference He was portrayed as a hero and, by inference, Thompson as the villain. 他被描写成英雄,由此推论,汤普森则成了恶棍。 —inferential /ˌɪnfəˈrenʃəl◂/ adjective inferential evidence 推论性证据 —inferentially adverbExamples from the Corpusdraw/make inferences (about/from something)• The comparison of these few-country studies demonstrates the importance of case selection and unit of analysis for drawing inferences.• Comparing many countries is the best method for drawing inferences that have more global applicability.• The chapter outlines each method and discusses how each is useful for drawing inferences.• We must make inferences about the health status of the survivors from these data.• Evolutionary theorising is a matter of making inferences to the best explanation.• Questions about the validity of making inferences from a small number of cases have been asked, for example.• Similarly we can only make inferences about the nature of learning from observing these changes.• Have the students make inferences about and discuss human influence on their inference• They portrayed her as the hero, and by inference , Mr. Thompson as the·fer·ence nounChineseSyllable   something that on is you information Corpus think true, based that




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