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单词 independence
释义 Word family  noun dependant dependence ≠ independence dependency adjective dependable dependent ≠ independent verb depend adverb dependably independently noun independence independent adjective independent adverb independently  Related topics: Government, Sociologyin·de·pen·dence /ˌɪndəˈpendəns/ ●●● W2 noun [uncountable]  1  PGINDEPENDENT COUNTRY OR ORGANIZATIONpolitical freedom from control by the government of another country 独立〔指政治上不受另一国政府控制〕independence from Nigeria gained independence from Britain in 1960. 尼日利亚于1960年脱离英国获得独立。2  PGthe time when a country becomes politically independent 独立〔指国家获得独立的那一刻〕 The country has made great advances since independence. 该国自独立以来发展迅速。3  SSINDEPENDENT PERSONthe freedom and ability to make your own decisions in life, without having to ask other people for permission, help, or money 〔个人生活的〕独立,自主 ways of helping old people maintain their independence 帮助老年人保持独立的方法 Having a job gives you financial independence. 有一份工作就能保证经济上的独立。 COLLOCATIONS – Meanings 1 & 2adjectivesfull/complete independence 完全独立The country gained complete independence from Britain in the 1960s. 这个国家于20世纪60年代摆脱英国统治,获得了完全的独立。political/economic independence 政治的/经济的独立Zambia achieved political independence without a prolonged conflict. 赞比亚未经长期冲突就获得了政治独立。national independence 民族独立The struggle for national independence lasted over 20 years. 这场为争取民族独立的斗争持续了二十多年。local independence 地区独立The new constitution aims to strengthen local independence. 这条新法规旨在加强地区的独立。verbsget independence 取得独立The country eventually got its independence in 1960. 该国终于在1960年获得独立。gain/achieve/win independence (=get independence) 取得/获得/赢得独立Our aim was to achieve full independence. 我们的目标是取得完全的独立。declare independence 宣布独立Estonia declared independence on August 20th. 爱沙尼亚于8月20日宣布独立。grant something independence (=allow a country to become independent) 准许…独立It was General de Gaulle who granted Algeria independence. 是戴高乐将军准予阿尔及利亚独立。nbring independence to somethingThe rebels fought to bring independence to East Africa.move towards independence (=gradually achieve it over a period of time) 走向独立nThe country was slowly moving towards independence.independence + NOUNIndependence Day (=a day on which a country's independence is celebrated) 独立纪念日nThe president was on television giving his Independence Day speech.independence celebrations 独立日庆祝活动nThe region is preparing for Monday's independence celebrations.phrasesthe struggle for independence 争取独立的斗争The struggle for independence continued for three decades. 这场为争取独立而进行的斗争持续了30年。Examples from the Corpusindependence• Shyness in this instance has proved a virtue and its resulting insularity and independence a blessing.• Many became voluntary controlled, with more carefully circumscribed independence and total support from public funds.• She worked hard to gain financial independence.• financial independence• the Vietnamese struggle for independence• The British granted independence to Ceylon in 1948.• Roz said she'd never marry because she valued her independence too much.• He was desperate to get a job and regain his independence.• Only the Kandyan Kingdom maintained its independence in the interior.• Money means mobility, money means independence and personal dignity.• Thus the national economic programme departs from the political; national independence does not include economic independence.• Gradually schools gained a certain amount of independence from the Church.• This vital dilemma is discussed later in chapter 11, along with the pros and cons of independence.• She no longer had that feeling of independence she had fought so hard to win.• Your first pay cheque gives you a terrific sense of independence.• I had this sense of independence.• the American war of independence• Inflation - rampant since independence - now went mad.• Since independence, the country has had high unemployment.• There is a move to increase the independence of the judiciary.• Though they want to exert their independence, these kids are not quite ready for it.• The apartments allow older people to keep their independence, while having medical care available.independence from• Algeria won independence from France more than thirty years independence• The clergy had a financial independence which the laity lacked.• The Länder had considerable financial independence and their position in the Bundesrat further strengthened their powers.• Wealth Private funds; financial independence.• There were times of insecurity and wonder, but we kept moving toward our goal of financial independence.• Today it prospers and because of the financial independence that business brings, the Johnsons' dreams are coming true.• Charles and Laquetta Prince realized early in their marriage that free enterprise was the only sure route to financial independence.• He will work for your financial independence and will never take advantage or misuse your money for his own·de·pen·dence noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  freedom the by of control Corpus another political from government




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