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单词 incorrigible
释义  in·cor·ri·gi·ble /ɪnˈkɒrədʒəbəl $ -ˈkɔː-/ adjective  BAD PERSONsomeone who is incorrigible is bad in a way that cannot be changed or improved – often used humorously 屡教不改的,不可救药的〔常为幽默用法〕an incorrigible liar/rogue etc 撒谎成性、屡教不改的人/不可救药的捣蛋鬼等 Peter, you are an incorrigible flirt! 彼得,你总喜欢跟女人调情,真是不可救药! —incorrigibly adverbExamples from the Corpusincorrigible• To the adults of the town, he was incorrigible.• Then she said I was incorrigible, and I said that was a compliment.• an incorrigible criminal• He has an incorrigible fondness for persons of low birth and spends most of the day with them.• He was an incorrigible liar too.• First, women were probably regarded as more hopelessly incorrigible, more totally irredeemable when fallen.• And even Cotton Fitzsimmons, an incorrigible optimist by nature, seemed to buy into that at least a little incorrigible liar/rogue etc• He was an incorrigible liar too.Origin incorrigible (1300-1400) Late Latin incorrigibilis, from Latin corrigere “to correct”in·cor·ri·gi·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  incorrigible bad is is Corpus a in who someone




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