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单词 inconsolable
释义  in·con·so·la·ble /ˌɪnkənˈsəʊləbəl◂ $ -ˈsoʊ-/ adjective  SAD/UNHAPPYso sad that it is impossible for anyone to comfort you 〔悲痛至极而〕无法安慰的,伤心欲绝的 The boy was inconsolable after the death of his dog. 男孩因为自己的狗死了而伤心不已。 —inconsolably adverb She wept inconsolably. 她哭得悲痛欲绝。Examples from the Corpusinconsolable• After the death of her baby she was inconsolable.• During the funeral, Doris was inconsolable.• But Castor was dead and Pollux was inconsolable.• But since the disappearance of Lucky the fox, Gussie the goose has been inconsolable.• In the event, Maman was inconsolable.• Several hours passed while he sat there, knowing that Maud would be inconsolable at having missed a charity dinner.• In the distance, a rutting stag sounded its thick-tongued, inconsolable bellow.• Doris was inconsolable. How could her husband walk out on her like that?• In children with vomiting, inconsolable screaming or lethargy.• He was inconsolable when he found what she'd·con·so·la·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  for impossible is so sad Corpus it that




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