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单词 incomparable
释义 Word family  noun comparison comparability the comparative adjective comparable ≠ incomparable comparative verb compare adverb comparatively comparably  in·com·pa·ra·ble /ɪnˈkɒmpərəbəl $ -ˈkɑːm-/ adjective  BESTextremely good, beautiful etc, and much better than others 无可比拟的,举世无双的 an incomparable view of San Marco 圣马科美妙绝伦的景色 a wine of incomparable flavour 香醇无比的葡萄酒 —incomparably adverbExamples from the Corpusincomparable• His singing voice is incomparable.• The rock is the most perfect sandstone imaginable; the situation incomparable.• She is incomparable and in business terms she is perfect.• The cuisine is incomparable and the cellars are treasure houses of vintage after vintage of superb wines.• I felt then an ecstasy of joy at this incomparable beauty.• Her husband was Amphion, a son of Zeus and an incomparable musician.• The senior surgeon at the Dreadnought Seamen's Hospital had a series of incomparable radiographs of bladder and renal chyluria.• In contrast, in a one-to-one relationship he was an incomparable teacher.• incomparable views of the mountainsin·com·pa·ra·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  beautiful Corpus etc, better and good, much extremely




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