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单词 impress
释义 Word family  noun impression impressionism impressionist impressiveness adjective impressionable impressive ≠ unimpressive impressionistic unimpressed verb impress adverb impressively impressionistically  im·press /ɪmˈpres/ ●●○ S3 W3 verb [transitive]  1  [not in progressive]IMPRESS to make someone feel admiration and respect 使钦佩;使留下深刻印象 Steve borrowed his dad’s sports car to impress his girlfriend. 史蒂夫借来他爸爸的跑车向女友炫耀。impress somebody with/by something We were very impressed by the standard of work. 工作水准之高给我们留下了深±刻的印象。 One candidate in particular impressed us with her knowledge. 尤其是有一位候选人,她的学识给我们留下了深刻的印象。 I think the chief exec was favourably impressed by your presentation. 我认为总经理对你作的介绍相当满意。 ‘He’s a lawyer?’ Mum looked suitably impressed (=as impressed as you would expect). “他是个律师?”妈妈看上去果然对他印象颇好。2  CLEAR/EASY TO UNDERSTANDto make the importance of something clear to someone 使〔某人〕了解〔某事的重要性〕impress something on somebody Father impressed on me the value of hard work. 父亲向我强调努力工作的重要意义。3  PRESSto press something into a soft surface so that a mark or pattern appears on it 把〔某物〕压入〔柔软的平面〕;压印;盖〔印〕于 patterns impressed in the clay 压印在黏土上的图案→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusimpress• I had managed to swipe a ball for myself and was attempting to impress anyone who cared to watch.• As a very small girl, I was impressed by the story a nun told to our catechism class.• You don't need to make fancy foods to impress guests - something simple but good will do.• The boy has impressed his doctors with his courage and determination.• It surprised me and impressed me when that happened.• None of the people I've interviewed so far have impressed me.• The report of my hon. and noble Friend Lady Cumberlege has clearly impressed my hon. Friend.• A steady paycheck also impresses serious people when you want to buy a house or own a car-or even make a trip.• What impressed the judges most was the originality of the dancers' performance.• Quinnell's fifty-yard run down the touchline with the ball in one hand impressed the Wales coach.• He always impressed us as being very bright.• I have to tell you, I was impressed with Marty.• But this may serve to impress you with my determination.• It is always wise to look towards those who inspire and impress you.favourably impressed• Husky rugged machine had been demonstrated, and had favourably impressed all who were present.• Lisa was always his favourite and he seemed favourably impressed that Tony had stayed around.• Diana was favourably impressed when she met Koo during her romance with Andrew.Origin impress (1300-1400) Latin past participle of imprimere, from premere “to press”im·press verbChineseSyllable  feel admiration make and someone Corpus respect to




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