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单词 impractical
释义 Word family  noun practical practicalities practicality ≠ impracticality practicability ≠ impracticability adjective practicable ≠ impracticable practical ≠ impractical adverb practically ≠ impractically practicably ≠ impracticably  im·prac·ti·cal /ɪmˈpræktɪkəl/ adjective  1  IMPOSSIBLEnot sensible or possible for practical reasons 不切实际的;不现实的 The road toll scheme was dismissed as impractical. 公路收费计划由于不切实际而遭到否定。 James was a foolish man, full of impractical plans. 詹姆斯是个愚蠢的人,满脑子都是不切实际的计划。► see thesaurus at impossible2  STUPID/NOT SENSIBLEnot good at dealing with ordinary practical matters, such as making or repairing things 〔人〕无实践能力的〔如制作或维修物件〕;动手能力差的 Sandra was hopelessly impractical around the house. 桑德拉在家务事方面一窍不通。 —impractically /-kli/ adverb —impracticality /ɪmˌpræktɪˈkæləti/ noun [uncountable] the sheer impracticality of collecting DNA from such a large population 从这么多人身上收集DNA完全不切实际Examples from the Corpusimpractical• Silk is always wonderful too, if totally impractical.• To some, the initiative and referenda have proliferated to the point that they already have become onerous and impractical.• Officials stated that building a dam for irrigation purposes was hopelessly impractical.• Ritter plans to tear down the building, saying restoration would be impractical.• Many tasks will require millions or even billions of nanomachines to achieve results, and manually constructing each one is utterly impractical.• Telling people to avoid any exposure to the sun is impractical advice.• Here on the dang strict purdah is impractical and everyone understands this, brothers-in-law included.• But all the goals were wildly impractical and none were achieved.• Short skirts are impractical if you want to sit down once in awhile.• In circumstances when words are inappropriate or impractical, the apology may take the form of an elaborate pantomime of contrition.• It would be impractical to attempt to review all the types of multimedia technology in this study.• Not withstanding that recognition, he decided it was impractical to break them into more than two·prac·ti·cal adjectiveChineseSyllable  possible reasons sensible Corpus not or practical for




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