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单词 important
释义 Word family  noun importance adjective important ≠ unimportant adverb importantly  im·por·tant /ɪmˈpɔːtənt $ -ɔːr-/ ●●● S1 W1 adjective  1  IMPORTANTan important event, decision, problem etc has a big effect or influence on people’s lives or on events in the future 重要的,重大的 a very important meeting 很重要的会议 The accident taught him an important lesson. 那次事故给了他很大的教训。 Happiness is more important than money. 快乐比金钱更重要。 ‘What did you say?’ ‘Oh, nothing important.’ “你说什么?”“噢,没什么大事。”it is important (to do something) It’s important to explain the procedure to the patient. 向病人解释治疗程序十分重要。 It’s vitally important that you understand the danger. 了解危险所在是极为重要的。important for It was important for the president to continue his schedule, regardless of the bomb threat. 总统不顾炸弹的威胁仍继续他的行程,这十分重要。important to Nothing could be more important to me than my family. 对我来说,没有什么比家庭更重要。 ► When you mean that you care about something a lot, say that it is important to you, not that it is ‘important for’ you.表示你对某事很在意时,要说 it is important to you, 不要说 it is ‘important for’ you.2  IMPORTANTpeople who are important have a lot of power or influence 〔人〕有权力的,有影响力的 a very important customer 一位大客户 They carry guns because it makes them feel important. 他们带着枪,因为这使他们感觉自己有势力。 THESAURUSimportant having a big effect on people’s lives or on events in the future 重要的an important decision 重要决定Good qualifications are increasingly important. 好学历越来越重要。big important or serious 重大的It’s a big decision. 这是个重大的决定。a big problem 严重的问题significant important enough to be noticeable or have a big effect 重大的;影响深远的There is no significant difference between the performance of male and female students. 男女学生在学习表现上没有很大的差异。The Internet has brought about significant changes in people’s lives. 因特网给人们的生活带来了重大的变化。noteworthy formal important or interesting enough to deserve your attention 值得关注的,显著的The castle is the island’s most noteworthy feature. 这座城堡是该岛最大的特色。The jury’s verdict was noteworthy for a number of reasons. 出于一些原因,陪审团的这一裁决很值得关注。very important 非常重要的essential very important, especially for the success, health, or safety of someone or something 〔尤指对成功、健康或安全〕极重要的It is essential to speak the local language. 很重要的一点是说当地话。essential supplies of food and clothing 食物和衣服这样的必需品vital/crucial extremely important, because without it there could be serious problems 极其重要的;关键性的His evidence was vital to the case. 他的证词对此案至关重要。The US plays a crucial role in the region. 美国在这一地区扮演着极其重要的角色。nThe media are a vital part of the political system.key extremely important and having a big effect 关键的,至关重要的Wheeler had a key role in the development of the atom bomb. 惠勒在原子弹的研发中起了关键的作用。Timing is key. 把握时机至关重要。of great/considerable importance very important 十分/相当重要的In the construction industry, health and safety are of considerable importance. 在建筑行业,健康和安全相当重要。momentous very important because it has a very great effect on the future 〔对未来的影响〕重大的,重要的Momentous events were taking place in Russia. 俄罗斯正在发生重大的事件。a momentous decision 重大决定most important 最重要的main/chief/principal [only before noun] most important 主要的,首要的What was your main aim? 你的主要目的是什么? the principal reason for their decision 他们作出决定的主要原因nthe chief cause of the recessionmajor [usually before noun] one of the most important or serious things 主要的Smoking is a major cause of heart disease. 吸烟是引发心脏病的主要原因。Street crime is a major problem. 街头犯罪是主要问题。central/primary [usually before noun] most important – used especially when talking about the main thing that people are discussing, worried about, or trying to do 主要的,首要的〔尤用于谈论正在讨论、担心或设法做的事〕Education will be the central issue in the election. 教育将是此次选举的主要议题。Our primary concern is passenger safety. 我们最关心的是乘客的安全。paramount /ˈpærəmaʊnt/ formal more important than anything else, so that you must consider it when deciding what to do 最重要的Airport security is of paramount importance. 机场安保工作至关重要。The needs of the students are paramount. 学生的需求高于一切。Examples from the Corpusimportant• Young children should be given a healthy diet - that's very important.• I have an important announcement to make, so please listen carefully.• J. S. Bach is the most important Baroque composer.• What is important for its value as evidence is that it is contemporary with the period under study.• Next Thursday's game is very important - if Italy lose they will be out of the World Cup.• More important in establishing his general dominance was his closeness to the crown.• That makes film sales an increasingly important measure of profit.• an important meeting• But you do not have to be a fusion buff to appreciate Joan Bromberg's history of an important part of science.• Several important politicians are calling for a change in the laws on gun control.• She asked some important questions.• She didn't realize how important schoolwork was until it was too late.• Now, however, Mr Ratti has put his name on a vastly larger and more important textile trove.• Gumbel and Sawyer are more important than ever.• It is important that everyone understands the risks involved in this plan.• At least the children are safe - that's the important thing.• School is important to me and so are my friends and family.• While I was a student, my parents' support and encouragement were very important to me.• It is important to read the instructions carefully before you start.• It is important to stress that the Chewong do not conceptualise specifically male characteristics as opposed to female ones.• Which is more important to you - your family or your career?• The school is having some very important visitors next is important (to do something)• These can be quite complicated and it is important that you understand both systems.• Even if it is not easy to make changes, it is important to begin widening horizons as soon as possible.• In short it is important to close Windows down correctly.• In understanding assignment it is important to distinguish assignment from novation.• To begin with, it is important to gain a good understanding of the meaning of these aggregates.• In answering these questions, it is important to recall the distinction made earlier between prescriptive and descriptive grammar.• But it is important to test these impressions with objective studies.• For anyone working within an organisation it is important to understand both.feel important• He is handsome, tall and lively, he can make whoever he is with feel important.• I think it makes them feel important.• It not only adds variety to their day, but tutoring also helps them feel important.• Still, as bearers of the de Ia Torre name, the girls were made to feel important.• Up your eye contact early in the presentation, so you make the status-player feel important.• In other words, make your partner feel important and special.• They felt important because I brought a record to them.• I loved him for his special attention towards me; he made me feel important - if only to him.Origin important (1400-1500) French Old Italian importante “carrying a meaning, significant”, from Latin importare; → IMPORT2im·por·tant adjective →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  event, big important a has an decision, effect problem or etc Corpus




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