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单词 impolitic
释义  im·pol·i·tic /ɪmˈpɒlətɪk $ -ˈpɑː-/ adjective formal  RISKbehaving in a way that is not careful and that could make people think you are not sensible 不明智的,失策的 SYN unwise It was considered impolitic of him to spend too much time with the party radicals. 他花太多时间与党内的激进分子在一起,这被认为是不明智的。Examples from the Corpusimpolitic• That extreme, impolitic candor was one of the characteristics that made Rice a perfect rebel and a considerably less perfect leader.• an impolitic remark about people "deserving" AIDSim·pol·i·tic adjectiveChineseSyllable  that behaving Corpus way not in is a




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