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单词 impolite
释义 Word family  noun politeness ≠ impoliteness adjective polite ≠ impolite adverb politely ≠ impolitely  im·po·lite /ˌɪmpəˈlaɪt◂/ adjective  RUDE/IMPOLITEnot polite 无礼的 SYN rude an impolite remark 无礼的话it is impolite (of somebody) (to do something) Would it be impolite of me to ask exactly where you’ve been? 要是我问你们到底去了哪儿会不会很唐突? —impolitely adverbExamples from the Corpusimpolite• Bear this in mind when you feel impatient or impolite.• She had no wish to appear impolite but there was something about the man that made her cringe.• It is impolite not to eat what you are served at a dinner party.• It is thought impolite to accuse voters, sometimes called people, of having in any way failed.• So, don't let me, ever again, hear that you have been impolite to any of the sisters.• It's impolite to challenge their integrity, the veracity of their self-expression.• But it would be impolite to leave in the middle of the band's set.• Emmie thought it would be impolite to Mrs Sargent to let her see the clothes she had bought looking like that.• It would have been impolite to refuse so Elisa found herself back in the sitting·po·lite adjectiveChineseSyllable  polite not Corpus




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