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单词 immoderate
释义  im·mod·e·rate /ɪˈmɒdərət $ ɪˈmɑː-/ adjective formal  TOO/TOO MUCHnot within reasonable and sensible limits 无节制的;过度的 SYN excessive immoderate drinking 酗酒 —immoderately adverbExamples from the Corpusimmoderate• Although Leapor accepts that many women are guilty of inconstancy and immoderate behaviour, she none the less holds out the prospect of transformation.• Already the tragic discovery of a yellow-suited body among the pinnacles has led to furious and immoderate speculation in the national press.• In 1761 J. Hill associated cancer of the nasal passages with the immoderate use of·mod·e·rate adjectiveChineseSyllable  not sensible and reasonable within limits Corpus




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