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单词 imbue
释义  im·bue /ɪmˈbjuː/ verb  1 imbue somebody/something with something phrasal verb formal FEEL HAPPY/FRIGHTENED/BORED ETCto make someone or something have a quality, idea, or emotion very strongly 使〔某物〕拥有〔某种特性〕;使〔某人〕充满〔强烈情感、想法〕 His philosophical writings are imbued with religious belief. 他的哲学著作里充满了宗教信仰方面的内容。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusimbue• He had not yet been permitted to imbue it with thought.• Nevertheless, the Guild succeeded in imbuing its members with a firm sense of self-worth and purpose.• It is all part of Roddick's determination to imbue retailing with a higher status in society.• All leaders of Great Groups find ways to imbue the effort with meaning.• Intragroup rituals build cohesiveness, offer a welcome respite from long hours and high pressure, and imbue the enterprise with meaning.• For the most part, Alvin could not help but imbue the most abstract of movements with drama and emotion.• It will be an important challenge in future to imbue their work with dignity, self-esteem and value.• His faith, to a degree, had dissipated his own, imbuing with a little fresh strength his run-down role.Origin imbue (1500-1600) Latin imbuere “to make wet, stain”im·bue verbChineseSyllable  something have Corpus to quality, or a someone idea, make




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