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单词 ill-founded
释义  ˌill-ˈfounded adjective formal  UNTRUEbased on something that is untrue 理由不充分的,没有根据的,站不住脚的 His fears proved ill-founded. 他的恐惧事实证明是杞人忧天。Examples from the Corpusill-founded• But any doubts about Marillion's future were clearly ill-founded.• The experience of the 1970s, further, demonstrated that the principal argument in favour of flexible exchange rates was ill-founded.• Suppositions built on postcards and photographs might be as ill-founded as his short-lived suspicions of being followed the night before.• The trouble is that the revised version of the legend of the Courts of Love is as ill-founded as the old one.• The whole enterprise was ill-founded from the start.• But the case of Auerbach merely serves to illustrate how ill-founded the criterion is.• ill-founded worriesˌill-ˈfounded adjectiveChineseSyllable  on is Corpus based that something untrue




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