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单词 ill-defined
释义  ˌill-deˈfined adjective  1  CLEAR/EASY TO UNDERSTANDnot described clearly enough 不清楚的,不明确的 Some jobs in the company are pretty ill-defined. 公司里的一些工作职能很不明确。2  CLEAR/EASY TO SEEnot clearly marked, or not having a clear shape 不分明的;轮廓模糊不清的 SYN indistinct The borders were vague and ill-defined. 边界模糊,界定不明。Examples from the Corpusill-defined• The procedures are ill-defined and completely untested.• With other semi-regular stars, the periods are so ill-defined as to be barely recognizable, and sometimes the fluctuations become random.• an ill-defined border• I will seek to show that it is confined within narrow, if ill-defined, bounds.• She shivered at some ill-defined idea, drifting past out of reach, in the foggy recesses of her mind.• Government documents and official statements concerning integration are replete with romantic and ill-defined language.• Above the scoop neckline of her peacock blue dress, an ill-defined rash of mottled pink broke out, then faded.• The few planetaries bright enough to be seen with binoculars show up in the guise of dim, ill-defined stars.• They constitute an assortment of ill-defined symptoms that affect people in different ways and to different extents.ˌill-deˈfined adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus enough not clearly described




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