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单词 Alvin
1. Alvin managed to bridge the gap between ballet and modern dance.
2. Alvin, who had broken a toe, was left behind.
3. At times, Alvin turned away.
4. And Alvin never kept you waiting while he pondered.
5. Alvin reminded himself in his daily diary.
6. Alvin was in a big tizzy.
7. But Alvin was scared and very courageous simultaneously.
8. Alvin pilots, I knew, must thrive under pressure.
9. Alvin Sharpes stiffened, torn by conflicting obligations.
10. Alvin and I just sort of hooked up.
11. Pure-minded modern dancer that he was, Alvin politely declined.
12. No, Alvin said teasingly, dance with me.
13. Alvin drawn to scale is dwarfed by the giant.
14. The Alvin is the lunar module of deep-sea exploration.
15. I always encouraged Alvin to think big.
16. A pilot can make Alvin hover, neutrally buoyant.
17. The Alvin began inching across the ocean bottom.
18. 1961 was a tumultuous year for Alvin.
19. What was Alvin carrying on about?
20. Alvin himself had begun to sense that.
21. Disappointingly, none of the reviews mentioned Alvin by name.
22. She was preceded in death by a brother, Alvin.http://
23. Alvin was increasingly angry about the situation at the academy.
24. That the reviews were positive did not surprise Alvin, but he had seen far past that horizon in the Far East.
25. They stood and talked, and Alvin asked when Truitte was coming to teach at the school he had opened nearby.
26. But Alvin had a good deal else on his mind.
27. Now Alvin set about creating in earnest his groundbreaking modern dance repertory company.
28. Alvin would go off to a quiet corner with Shook and talk endlessly about art, literature and his current projects.
29. A book which is still being discussed by many Americans today is 'Future Shock' by Alvin Toffler.
30. Your classmates won't trust you if you're always telling tales, Alvin.
31. In what time he had left in his daily life, Alvin busily worked out the rest of the concert details.
32. Alvin talked a lot about Horton to Beckford but made no move to return to Los Angeles.
33. Back in the United States, Alvin wasted no time in proposing ways of doing that on future modern dance tours.
34. Like you they want to dance-not just any old way but a la Alvin Ailey.
35. When Alvin arrived, he was pressed into rapid service of the sort he was learning of necessity to thrive on.
36. Late into the rehearsal period, Alvin began work with her on a new duet called Creation of the World.
37. One day when Alvin was two, Lula put on a pot of beans to cook for dinner that night.
38. Characteristically, Alvin rarely wrote about finances, concentrating instead on touring conditions, reviews and his many plans for the company.
39. His meeting with the Holtzes seemed to have refreshed Alvin and cleared his mind.
40. They pushed the chairs back and danced as Alvin watched thoughtfully.
41. If Alvin carried the card as a talisman, it worked.
42. Alvin shot marbles in the road and had a brick lobbed at him by a little girl with whom he played.
43. Back home, Alvin felt worn out and hungry for the solitude that had once fed him.
44. Alvin flew into a flurry of activity, managing to overspend the grants without finishing his own projects.
45. Alvin 1 214 was able to fly on alone to book rooms for the dancers, who would travel by train.
46. Alvin had given her several names, Lathem told Truitte, but had suggested that he would be the most objective.
47. Beneath the wariness and studied detachment that made for a near-impenetrable protective shell, Alvin was lonelier than ever.
48. About three months after the wedding, he began taking Alvin with him to baseball and football games.
49. Just three years into his formal career as a choreographer, Alvin was discovering the law that would govern his entire career.
50. For a messy person, Alvin had a wonderful planning mind.
51. Even such popular futurists as Alvin and Heidi Toffler generally subsume women into a homogeneous, unisex future.
52. Alvin is recovered first, and then the ship is brought into position to pick up the transponder.
53. He cast Alvin as a sacrificial fowl-carrier instead, but Alvin pulled out altogether when he became sick with mononucleosis.
54. But there were no nibbles from Alvin, so Williams joined the Graham company in 1963.
55. During that day on Lulu, I watched closely the men who tended Alvin and envied them the challenge of their job.
56. Alvin is a tough boat, but she does not take too well to crash landings on the seafloor.
57. Lula exclaimed when Alvin approached her with news of a school football game he was to play in.
58. Moving away from the camera, Alvin posed beside Rose Garden tubeworms, providing unarguable proof of dimension.
59. And when the door opened at last, Alvin was greeted with a vision of opulent loveliness.
60. It became a cozy, happy center of operations, but Alvin insisted on meeting people downstairs or somewhere else entirely.
61. At times, Alvin clung slavishly to what little he had observed firsthand of the process of making dances.
62. Alvin wrote rather dutifully in a thick bound diary he began to keep in September.
63. By the end of the summer, however, Alvin was ready to disappear again.
64. Alvin was amused by the differences in the audiences for each of the two programs the company presented.
65. Alvin wrote in a note to himself not long after the premiere of Revelations.
66. By the end of 1964, Alvin and his dancers were old pros at the exhausting business of touring.
67. Alvin followed suit, but he had a few falls anyway as he went into one of his famous knee slides.
68. Holtz could see that Alvin was very talented, and he was impressed by the scope of his plans.
69. Pressed into action, Alvin found it difficult to conceive of himself as a mere resident choreographer.
70. Looking out over the cheering audience, Alvin found himself near tears.
71. Even then, too, Alvin was intent on displaying the male dancer in all his vitality.
72. Clarke could be a martinet, and as such was frequently a buffer for Alvin.
73. Herbert Ross, who had replaced him, wanted Alvin and de Lavallade to join the show as featured dancers.
74. Alvin was fastidious and even a bit of a prude.
75. At least one dancer was surprised to learn that Alvin had a brother, so secretive was he about his life.
76. She dropped Alvin off with an older sister and left for Navasota.
77. For a long time Alvin refused to go upstairs to the little room where the company had settled in.
78. Alvin shook his head in dismay at their performance, but the audience had loved their persevering spirit.
79. Alvin was once more back at what felt distinctly like a starting point.
80. There was even a little time for Alvin to begin work on Ariadne for the Harkness, to be performed in Paris.
81. Alvin found himself drawn back to Melrose Avenue, although he was still undecided about becoming a professional dancer.
82. Now studying with Stella Adler,[Sentencedict] Alvin was praised for his acting in both.
83. Being in Alvin isolates us from anything but a visual impression of a black smoker.
84. She understood, however, that Alvin was committed to providing work for black dancers.
85. The stopover ended in an uproar when Alvin insisted that the company would not leave without its sets and costumes.
86. With Alvin on deck, scientists and pilot gathered around the computer workstation as Smith recalled images of the glow.
87. Alvin had gone to work to earn money for college after graduating from high school in June 1948.
88. The children were beautiful, and Alvin was delighted by the monks in their spectacular colored robes.
89. Alvin was learning how to navigate the tricky waters of dance funding.
90. Alvin was becoming known at school as a quiet, confident boy with a facility for languages.
91. Despite the simplicity of his lifestyle, Alvin was messy to a degree that drove Holtz to add housekeeping to his duties.
92. Making Alvin the stage manager was the first step, she believed, in involving him in something outside of class work.
93. Throughout his career, the profane would compete with the sacred when Alvin contemplated themes for ballets.
94. But the real workhorse of the Galapagos operation was the tiny sub called the Alvin.
95. The immensely popular company was the only one on the bill, Alvin noted, that was not subsidized by its country.
96. De Lavallade drifted away from Alvin, although they never completely lost touch.
97. We prepare the science basket at the front of Alvin.
98. Harkness sent Alvin another $ 1, 000 to come work in Cannes, where the company was to open.
99. Alvin met the genial master poet Langston Hughes, who became a lifelong friend and confidant.
100. Alvin had strained up to stare around him, resting on his pudgy elbows as if to survey the world.
101. He loved his sons, and Alvin Sharpes loved his family name.
102. Alvin later confessed laughingly that he had not been at all sure of what Morning Mourning was about.
103. Alvin is a safe boat, with an unsurpassed safety record.
104. Alvin carries her three-person crew in the titanium sphere at the forward end of the vessel.
105. I have a theory: Alvin was so generous with time for other choreographers.
106. Kevin Keen worked tirelessly for the Londoners and Alvin Martin was prominent in defence despite the heavy scoreline.
107. He had been impressed with how prepared Alvin and the dancers were.
108. Some friends felt that Alvin had returned a harder, less innocent person.
109. As the argument escalated, Faison lost his temper completely and told Alvin that he wanted to leave the company.
110. Alvin caught the bus to school at six in the morning and made it home by seven at night.
111. Alvin was to stay behind to finish the school year.
112. Put Alvin into autopilot to maintain a constant heading; go ahead a little on the pot that controls the forward thrusters.
113. Frightened and helpless,[http:///alvin.html] Alvin wondered if they might kill him.
114. Alvin had had a brief taste of freedom and didn't want to live with his parents again.
115. She had two extra respirators at home in case the one Alvin was using failed.
116. For the first time, Alvin and the group could concentrate simply on creating dances and putting together performances.
117. It was an extraordinary time for a young person like Alvin, black and a dancer, to arrive in New York.
118. As the two screamed at each other, Eng challenged Alvin to go out onstage and do better that night.
119. But when Alvin came back I thought he was going to beat me to a pulp.
120. Like Dudley Williams, Jamison threw in her lot with Alvin early on, at the start of her career.
121. Alvin came here initially as a session musician, but he stayed on.
122. But this was for Alvin a rare chance to see the child whose birth had caused him such great pain.
123. Alvin had always made it plain that his company existed in large part to provide work for black dancers.
124. Not only did Alvin know nothing about choreography, Shawn wrote, but he was not even a good dancer.
125. Francis, Alvin was told by Eng and the dancers that at forty-five minutes the piece was just too long.
126. They took turns retelling the stories to each other, and from day to day Alvin never forgot whose turn it was.
127. I got out and talked while Alvin Bates kept his eyes at shoulder level and agreed politely with the questions I asked.
128. There is no reason why a robot equipped with multiple cameras and manipulators could not accomplish the tasks Alvin can do.
129. Alvin accepted the invitation and planned for the tour with all his usual energy and sense of organization.
130. Alvin moved back immediately into the busy life of rehearsing and teaching at Clark Center.
131. Alvin Harper to be recognized as one of the best cornerbacks in the league.
132. We should be glad we skim over these fields of pillows in Alvin.
133. Clarke assumed it was a prank but promised to give Alvin the message.
134. Alvin stayed on, and even began to choreograph acts himself.
135. One of the doors opened on to a new life for Alvin.
136. Farther forward on the main deck from the A-frame is the Alvin hangar, where the submersible is serviced every evening.
137. Well before it closed(), Alvin was involved in rehearsals for two new plays.
138. Chancey and Alvin liked to play in a water tank just outside of town.
139. I have often worked black smokers in Alvin and I never fail to be awed by them.
140. Alvin dressed in blue jeans, shirts and boots and looked like the renegade that he felt he was.
141. Alvin relented, however, and Moore continued to perform with the company through the tour.
142. Buoyed by critical acclaim for the 1970 Brooklyn season[], Alvin and his dancers faced a year without any significant employment.
143. Then and later, Alvin was interested in putting the seamier side of life onstage.
144. Alvin and his dancers were welcomed back to the academy as homecoming heroes.
145. Toos and Alvin Sharpes arrived and sat on the stairs to listen to the story and stare at the storyteller.
146. Now our first effort to find the site with Alvin is less than twenty-four hours away.
147. Betty Levin had been hospitalized for two weeks when her husband, Alvin, began exhibiting symptoms.
148. Alvin also developed a lasting friendship with Duvall, with whom he shared a birthdate.
149. Alvin was part of it all now. Only 24, and he was going places.
150. Stella Adler had called to invite Alvin to a cocktail party.
151. The transponder was released acoustically just after Alvin left the bottom for the last time in this area.
152. For the most part, Alvin could not help but imbue the most abstract of movements with drama and emotion.
153. Then Alvin endured a long, dispirited wait for a flight back to New York late that night.
154. Alvin Sharpes had a deep and endless collection and I began to draw from his castaways.
155. Some of the Alvin pilots take great pride in the macho aspects of the job.
156. At one point Truitte realized that he had been underpaying Alvin by a large amount.
157. What was so different about the present situation? they asked Alvin.
158. The two would continue their friendship long distance, mostly via unexpected telephone calls from Alvin, through the mid-1970s.
159. Saint Subber expressed interest in Alvin and de Lavallade, who had danced the leads at the audition.
160. Modern dance, Alvin believed, needed a living repository of its classics and curiosities.
161. The car pulled up and one of the policemen called to Alvin to come over.
162. Burlap-covered bulletin boards were installed for notices, which Alvin would suddenly begin to rearrange whenever he was choreographing.
163. His mind always at work, Alvin pondered ways to make such programs more appealing to unsophisticated audiences.
164. Soon Horton was told that Alvin was attending classes at last and that the boy might even be gifted.
165. Belafonte had seen the dances Alvin made for the Horton company and talked to him about choreographing this show.
166. And even when Alvin was at his worst, the dancers looked forward to his rehearsals.
167. Alvin had never seen black performers at the Biltmore or even expected he might see them there.
168. What about that chiropractor, Alvin Griffin?
169. The Obamas have been to the Kennedy Center twice, once to see the Alvin Ailey dance troupe — with daughters Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7 — and once for a musical tribute to Senator Edward M. Kennedy.
170. With the help of high-intensity lighting, high-resolution cameras, and the submersible Alvin, Kristof and his crew captured dramatic imagery in the dark, superheated depths of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
171. A sea cucumber, startled by the Alvin, forms a question mark as it hurries away.
172. Bartlett Second Lieutenant Alvin H. Davenport, zip it! You need a nickname,[http:///alvin.html] too?
173. Aliens in the Attic and Shorts both looked interesting and got a few giggles from the GeekSon. G-Force and Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel did not.
174. The Obamas have been to the Kennedy Center twice, once to see the Alvin Ailey dance troupe — with daughters Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7 — and once for a musical tribute to Senator Edward M.
175. Did Alvin drive around the seafloor and just happen to get lucky?
176. Jerome Robbins, George Balanchine, Agnes de Mille, Alvin Alley, Eliot Feld, and Martha Graham are among the best known choreographers.
177. Doctor Alvin Nelson El Armin knows a lot about cold and flu season in California.
178. On a routine expedition in 1987, oceanographers in the submersible Alvin were mapping the typically barren, nutrient-poor seafloor in the Santa Catalina Basin, off the shore of southern California.
179. Federal Judge Alvin Hellerstein said in a one-page order Tuesday that a "suggestion of settlement" led him to dismiss claims between Shepard Fairey and the AP.
180. Join Alvin . Simon and Theodore in this all - new, screamingly funny animated feature!
181. An answer may lie in work by philosophers as different as David Hume, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and Alvin Plantinga.




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