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单词 idiomatic
释义  Related topics: Linguisticsid·i·o·mat·ic /ˌɪdiəˈmætɪk◂/ ●○○ adjective  1. idiomatic expression/phrase SLan idiom 惯用语,习惯用语2  SLTYPICALtypical of the natural way in which someone speaks or writes when they are using their own language 〔说话或书写时〕符合某一语言习惯的;地道的 He had the ability to write fluent and idiomatic English. 他能够写出流利地道的英语。 the idiomatic richness of the Spanish language 西班牙语习语的丰富多样 —idiomatically /-kli/ adverbExamples from the Corpusidiomatic• She makes a decent enough job of the second of these, but her playing is not always fully idiomatic.• Their books are translated into idiomatic English.• There are good pedagogic reasons for avoiding idiomatic idiosyncrasy of this kind.• Good on authentic and idiomatic language.• In terms of style it's like a short Bach piece containing lots of idiomatic motifs and pedal tone ideas.• Louis and the Leighton Smith versions score high marks for idiomatic performances of works otherwise all-but-impossible to find on records.• Does the text contain idiomatic phrases and if so, with what kind of dialect or register are these idioms associated?• Performances are idiomatic, with well sprung rhythms and sensibly chosen tempi, and benefit from a generally cool and restrained·i·o·mat·ic adjectiveChineseSyllable  idiom Corpus an




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