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单词 ideally
释义  i·deal·ly /aɪˈdɪəli/ ●●○ S3 adverb  1  PERFECTused to describe the way you would like things to be, even though this may not be possible 理想地[sentence adverb] Ideally, your car should have high-security locks. 最理想的情况是,你的车应该配有高度安全的车锁。 Fruit and vegetables should ideally be organically grown. 水果和蔬菜最理想的应该是有机种植。2  ideally suited/placed/situated etc SUITABLEhaving the best qualities, experience, knowledge etc for a particular situation 非常适合的/位置理想的等 He was ideally suited for the job. 他做这工作非常合适。 The hotel is ideally located for enjoying the beauty of Yorkshire. 这家宾馆位置非常理想,可以欣赏到约克郡的美景。Examples from the Corpusideally• Details, too, were not ideally arranged.• Which was just as well, as Jim was not ideally cut out to be a farmer!• You should, ideally, have a degree in engineering or science.• It was ideally located, perfectly engineered and specifically oriented to serving the needs of airplane builders and users.• This ideally matches the requirements of the servos and ensures a smooth and rapid response.• In order to win, you must throw your opponent, ideally onto his back.• It was ideally placed for commerce.• Researcher Robert Glover felt that Austin was ideally suited to launch a school-to-work effort.• And, ideally, the general lighting scheme should be similar in both parts of the room.• Ideally, we'd like to provide regular training for everyone.• Ideally, we should be saving money every month.i·deal·ly adverbChineseSyllable  the like to things describe way you Corpus would used




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