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单词 hysteria
释义  Related topics: Illness & disabilityhys·te·ri·a /hɪˈstɪəriə $ -ˈsteriə/ ●○○ noun [uncountable]  1  EXCITEDextreme excitement that makes people cry, laugh, shout etc in a way that is out of control 歇斯底里 In a fit of hysteria, Silvia blamed me for causing her father’s death. 西尔维娅一阵歇斯底里,指责我害死了她父亲。2  EXCITEDa situation in which a lot of people feel fear, anger, or excitement, which makes them behave in an unreasonable way 〔众人〕狂热情绪的爆发 Since the general’s death, the population has been gripped by mass hysteria. 自将军死后,民众群情激愤。3. medicalMI a medical condition that upsets someone’s emotions and makes them suddenly feel very nervous, excited, anxious etc 癔病Examples from the Corpushysteria• During the 1950s, the U.S. was gripped by anti-Communist hysteria.• It was difficult, however, to develop a comprehensive program in this atmosphere of fear, even hysteria.• Helen wondered if she was seeing the first moment of a gathering hysteria.• But the news of serial killings last year led to near mass hysteria.• The pushing and grabbing at yesterday's sales bordered on mass hysteria.• Given the pluralistic nature of society, they can only be the product of hysteria and demagogic manipulation.• Isabel screamed again, twisting her head from side to side, catapulted brutally into panic-stricken hysteria.• She suggests that hysteria was an alternative role option for women incapable of accepting their life situation in rigid family roles.• What the experimenters did not account for in their preparations was the hysteria that surrounded polio epidemics.• The hysteria of the screaming girls was somewhat frightening.mass hysteria• Was this all just a matter of runaway credulity, mass hysteria, or overwrought salesmanship?• I've never before or since seen instant mass hysteria to match it.• But the news of serial killings last year led to near mass hysteria.• All they had in common was their sense of urgency: the mass hysteria that characterizes the week before Christmas.• Total confusion reigns supreme, and an atmosphere close to mass hysteria ensues.Origin hysteria (1800-1900) hysteric “hysterical” ((17-20 centuries)), from Latin hystericus, from Greek hystera ( → HYSTERECTOMY); because it was believed hysteria was caused by the uterushys·te·ri·a nounChineseSyllable  people shout that cry, Corpus excitement etc makes extreme a laugh, in




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