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单词 hyperbole
释义  Related topics: Literature, Linguisticshy·per·bo·le /haɪˈpɜːbəli $ -ɜːr-/ noun [countable, uncountable]  ALa way of describing something by saying it is much bigger, smaller, worse etc than it actually is 夸张(手法) SYN exaggeration It was not hyperbole to call it the worst storm in twenty years. 称它是20年来最大的风暴并不为过。► see thesaurus at language —hyperbolic /ˌhaɪpəˈbɒlɪk◂ $ -pərˈbɑː-/ adjectiveExamples from the Corpushyperbole• She appropriated slapstick and hyperbole to the delicious purpose of lampooning the fathead who made her life miserable.• Some cynics might dismiss such statements as cosmic hyperbole.• Rick said, with a touch of hyperbole, that it was the best movie he'd ever seen.• It is only slight hyperbole to say that Roy Disney averted a cultural tragedy.• Buried somewhere in all that hyperbole is a good deal of truth.• Twenty-four hours until kick-off and the hyperbole was drifting out of control.• One might forgive the hyperbole in a politician but it is less easy to take from academic or journalistic critics.• Rick Perry, the Texas commissioner of agriculture, is a rancher with an aversion to hyperbole.Origin hyperbole (1400-1500) Latin Greek, “too much of something, hyperbole”, from hyperballein “to go beyond limits”hy·per·bo·le nounChineseSyllable  is way a of by something it saying describing Corpus




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