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单词 huffy
释义  huff·y /ˈhʌfi/ adjective informal  ANGRYin a bad mood (=the way that you feel), especially because someone has offended you 〔尤指因受到冒犯而〕气冲冲的,发怒的 Some customers get huffy when you ask them for their ID. 有些顾客如果被要求出示身份证明,就会发火。 —huffily adverbExamples from the Corpushuffy• As you would imagine, he was rather huffy!• I told them the Dispatch was doing a feature on the hanging debate; unfortunately that made them even more huffy.• The flouncy fish gets particularly huffy about serrated edges, which tear rather than slice through its delicate flesh.• He could get quite huffy at all her complicated ways.• I was surprised by how huffy he was.• They couldn't answer and became huffy that we weren't satisfied with the good treatment we were receiving.• He became huffy, then nervous.huff·y adjectiveChineseSyllable  a Corpus bad in especially you that mood way (=the feel),




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