释义 |
hp /ˌeɪtʃ ˈpiː/ the abbreviation of horsepower / horsepower 的缩写 ,马力Related topics: TradeHP /ˌeɪtʃ ˈpiː/ noun [uncountable] British English BBTBUYthe abbreviation of hire purchase / hire purchase 的缩写 ,【英】分期付款购买法 We bought the carpets on HP. 我们分期付款买下了那几块地毯。From Longman Business DictionaryHPHP FINANCECOMMERCEabbreviation for HIRE PURCHASEhphp written abbreviation for HORSEPOWERa 112 hp electric motorhpHP nounChinese the abbreviation Business of |