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单词 housing association
释义  Related topics: Organizations, Constructionˈhousing associˌation noun [countable]  SSOTBCan organization in Britain, formed by a group of people working together to build or buy homes for themselves 〔英国的一种以建房或购房自用为目的的〕住房协会,房屋协会Examples from the Corpushousing association• They promptly referred her to a housing association which has found her a three-bedroomed house.• A non-mutual housing association is, however, treated as a private landlord.From Longman Business Dictionaryhousing associationˈhousing associˌationORGANIZATIONS in Britain, one of the independent CHARITIES (=organizations run not for profit but in order to help people) that provide houses and flats for people to buy or rent at low cost → associationˈhousing associˌation nounChineseSyllable  Britain, a an organization group Corpus by Business formed in




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